15 Benefits Of Wheatgrass You May Not Have Known

Wheat grass, also called “wheat grass” or “green wheat” is a very powerful supplement that has become popular over the years due to the multiple properties it contributes to health. It is composed of 19 types of amino acids, more than 90 minerals, about 30 enzymes and 70% chlorophyll. In addition to being energizing and a support to lose weight. Therefore, below we share 15 benefits that will undoubtedly give you reasons to consume it.

1. Fight anemia


Although it has not yet been scientifically proven, it is believed that taking wheatgrass juice can be effective in creating red blood cells.  This benefit is due to its high content of chlorophyll, which has the same molecular structure as hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, it also contains iron, which is key to fighting anemia.

2. Helps to lose weight

Wheatgrass is a great support for all those people who are looking to lose weight, although it has not yet been scientifically proven. Its consumption is believed to provide the body with energy to improve physical performance, increasing the ability to lose weight and prevent obesity.

Also, if the weight gain is due to thyroid problems, green wheat juice is popularly believed to help by stimulating the thyroid gland. You can add this supplement to juices and smoothies.

3. May lower blood sugar levels

Causes diabetes

The consumption of this herb inhibits the assimilation of carbohydrates and thus helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is why it helps people suffering from diabetes. Although there is no scientific evidence to support it.

4. Helps prevent cavities

In the absence of studies to support it, wheatgrass is very effective in treating oral problems such as cavities. For this, it must be applied directly to the gums and teeth and follow the recommendations of your dentist if there is a problem that needs to be treated.

5. Lowers blood pressure levels

The protein and chlorophyll compounds in wheatgrass have shown very positive results in reducing high blood pressure levels, but there are no conclusive studies. In any case, continuously monitor your blood pressure.

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6. It can boost the immune system


Frequent consumption of wheatgrass juice can increase the immune response and create a protective barrier against viruses and bacteria that can affect health. Scientific studies to corroborate it are lacking. 

7. Protects against candidiasis

Wheatgrass has antibacterial compounds that can inhibit the growth of yeast and bacteria. Its regular consumption prevents candidiasis and other diseases caused by these microorganisms, although there is no scientific evidence to support it. 

8. Fight sinus congestion

This herb can help flush out toxins that cause congestion and it also promotes the dissolution of mucus. It can be used in juice or steam inhalation.

9. Stimulates the removal of heavy metals

Pollution, the use of chemicals or the consumption of some foods, among other factors, cause a serious accumulation of heavy metals in the body that, in the long term, can affect health. Consuming wheatgrass juice helps stimulate the elimination of these substances, although there is no conclusive scientific evidence. 

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10. Fight arthritis

According to popular belief, wheatgrass helps reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Just dip a clean cloth in wheatgrass juice and apply it directly to the affected area.

11. Eliminate bad body odors

Thanks to its detoxifying properties, wheatgrass also helps eliminate bad body odors, as well as bad breath. This is not scientifically proven. 

12. Prevents varicose veins

Varicose veins

Wheatgrass juice, in addition to helping to fight cholesterol, improves circulation and, thanks to this, prevents the appearance of varicose veins, according to popular belief.

13. Cleanse the body

This herb is known for its high detoxifying power,  which helps cleanse the body and promotes blood and liver purification. Its regular consumption can help eliminate toxins, clean the colon and can prevent different chronic diseases associated with these organs. Studies that support this effect are lacking.

14. Tones the skin

The consumption of wheatgrass is related to a greater elasticity, appearance, texture and softness of this organ. It is the largest in the human body. It can also prevent the appearance of pimples or acne, although there are no conclusive scientific studies.

15. It makes you more resistant

Thanks to its high chlorophyll content, it is capable of raising the oxygen level and helps to regenerate red blood cells. These are responsible for carrying out the cellular transport of oxygen, increasing oxygenation and therefore, resistance when we do sports. Corroborating studies are lacking.

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