3 Foods That Contain Iron

Iron is an essential element for life. It is necessary for the transport of oxygen to the tissues through the blood, as it is part of hemoglobin.

A deficit of it in the diet can trigger an anemic process, which causes chronic fatigue and tiredness, among other symptoms. However, it should not be abused. It is a mineral with oxidizing activity, and for this reason it must be consumed in its proper measure.

Meats are rich in iron

Foods from the animal kingdom usually contain iron in their composition. It is called heme iron , which is easily absorbed by the human intestine.

Almost any meat contains it, but organ meats are especially rich in this mineral. These foods have a high nutritional density, and their consumption is recommended in case of lack of minerals.

However, other types of meat, such as red or white, also have iron in their composition. For this reason, anemia due to lack of iron in non-restrictive diets is not usually a frequent evil. The same does not happen in the case of vegans, according to research published in the journal PLoS One , which relates the low intake of red meat with the severity of anemia.

Beef and iron

 Let’s not forget about legumes in the diet

Within the vegetable kingdom, legumes are characterized by their mineral content. Lentils have been, in popular lore, the best representatives of iron-rich foods among vegetables. However, it is an iron with a low bioavailability, much lower than that from animals.

Bioavailability refers to the ability of the substance to be used by humans in their metabolism. In this case, the problem with plant iron is that it is difficult for the human intestine to absorb.

However, it is possible to enhance its absorption. To do this, simply combine the intake of legumes with that of other products or foods rich in vitamin C, as stated in an article published in the magazine Food & Function . Strawberries and red peppers, as well as citrus fruits, are rich in this last nutrient.

Other vegetables with iron

In addition to legumes, it is possible to find vegetables that contain large amounts of iron and vitamin C at the same time. This is the case of spinach, valued in nutrition for its quality.

On the other hand, many seeds are rich in minerals. These types of ingredients can be introduced both in salads and in smoothies. At the same time, they are usually rich in essential fatty acids, as is the case with omega 3s.

In any case, all that glitters is not gold. We are talking about products with a high energy density, so their consumption must be controlled. Otherwise, the energy balance could be unbalanced and cause negative weight gain for health. It is not recommended to include more than 2 tablespoons of these seeds in each preparation.

Coriander seeds

Include iron in the diet

When planning a varied diet, it is necessary to guarantee the presence of iron. This mineral prevents the appearance of anemia, which can reduce the productivity of those who suffer from it, in addition to conditioning their lifestyle.

To avoid this situation, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in this mineral. Meats, and especially organ meats, are products full of iron. In addition, it has good availability, which ensures its absorption.

However, it is also possible to find foods from the plant kingdom rich in iron. In this type of case, it is advisable to introduce vitamin C at the same time to enhance its absorption. Legumes and spinach are representative products. The seeds also stand out for their mineral content, although they are quite energetic.

Do not forget that anemia can be caused by other causes, which have nothing to do with iron deficiency. So, if you suspect that you suffer from this pathology, consult your doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis.

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