4 Functions Of The Bridesmaid

The functions of a wedding godmother depend, first of all, on the type of wedding that we are going to carry out. Do you know which ones they are? Are you aware of the importance of them?

Let’s take a closer look at it. In the following lines we will tell you about it.

What are the functions of the bridesmaid?

It is frequent the image of a woman, often the mother of the groom, who accompanies the man to the altar in the church. Then stay with him throughout the ceremony, receive guests, etc. That’s the godmother.

However, although the figure of godparents is obligatory in other sacraments, Canon Law does not contemplate it in the concrete scene of marriage. Thus, despite the fact that their main task is to ‘attend’, the role they play in a wedding is rather symbolic, an accepted custom.

In addition, the godparents can also be witnesses if they wish. In this case, it is no longer a question of ‘faith’ but of legality, through which people of legal age verify the certainty or falsity of an act.

Bride and groom with godparents and witnesses

The role of the godmother is, therefore, a tradition. In this sense, it assumes certain functions that, despite not being official, have a special meaning. Below we detail some of them more slowly.

1. Help the groom to choose the suit

Boyfriend buttoning his jacket

Indeed, one of the most important tasks of the godmother is to help the groom to choose the suit for the wedding day. In addition, the occasions in which she pays for the outfit herself are common. Either way, her mission is to advise the gentleman so that he can decide on the best alternative.

But the occupations do not stop there. This woman is, in herself, a leading character in the celebration. For this reason, you will also meet certain requirements when choosing your own clothing. Thus, it is essential that you opt for an elegant style and in no case for black or white.

2. Accompanying the groom to the altar is also one of the functions of the bridesmaid.

We are surely talking about the most emotional point of the meeting. That moment when the godmother walks with the fiancé to the altar. She takes him by the arm, calming and encouraging him on the short walk down the church aisle.

3. Accompany the sponsor when leaving the church

The groom has arrived with the godmother and the future wife with the godfather before being, officially, husband and wife. At the end of the ceremony, the new couple will already leave the hand of the church.

For this reason, tradition indicates that the godparents have to march together equally, just behind the bride and groom. He will stand to the right of her, receiving congratulations and greeting the guests during the exit.

Couple exchanging earnest money

4. Hosting the wedding

As, in turn, marks the protocol, the godmother is also the protagonist at the wedding. In this sense, it is necessary that during the banquet you sit next to the bride and groom and ensure that all the guests are at ease, comfortable and having a good time.

In addition, tradition also indicates the participation of such a figure in other tasks. For example, it is essential that you collaborate in what refers to the preparation of the different details of the event (from the floral decoration to the cocktail or the feast).

Wedding banquet

Who will be the next godmother?

Are you getting married in the church? Have you already decided who is going to be the godmother?

If you identify with any of these questions, remember what the functions of this hostess consist of. We hope they have been clear and, above all, that the meeting is unforgettable.

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