4 Healthy, Nutritious And Medicinal Sauces For Your Traditional Recipes

Want to discover some healthy sauces to spice up your recipes without regrets ?

They are made with natural ingredients, are very nutritious and even have medicinal properties that are very beneficial for health.

Discover in this article 4 healthy sauces that you can consume in your day to day. 

Healthy sauces to eat without guilt

Here we propose 4 healthy sauces that you can make at home with few ingredients and with which you can give different touches of flavor to your usual dishes. They are made with good quality oils, nuts, vegetables and cereals, and do not contain sugar, lactose or gluten.

We recommend always using sea ​​salt , which is much healthier than common salt or table salt, but in moderate amounts.

Try them all and enjoy all their flavor!

1. Coconut mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is one of the most famous sauces in the world. It is a common complement to all kinds of sandwiches and sandwiches, as well as an accompaniment to French fries and other appetizers.

Although it contains very few ingredients, industrial mayonnaise is made with unhealthy ingredients and includes different additives, which is why it becomes a sauce that is not recommended.

We propose a different, delicious and healthy mayonnaise, with a surprising coconut flavor.


  • 1 egg
  • 1 glass of extra virgin coconut oil. (200 g)
  • A small garlic clove
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • a pinch of salt


  • We will need a hand mixer and a narrow cylindrical container.
  • First we will put all the ingredients (the egg at room temperature and the liquid coconut oil, but not hot) and we will process with the mixer resting on the bottom, without lifting it or stopping it.
  • When the mayonnaise begins to set, we will raise the blender very little by little, until all the sauce sets.

    We will keep it in the fridge for a maximum of 4 days.

    2. Arugula and basil pesto

    Arugula and basil pesto


    • 1 glass of dried fruits (pine nuts or walnuts …) (100 g)
    • 1 bunch of fresh arugula leaves.
    • 1 bunch of fresh basil leaves.
    • a pinch of salt
    • 1 clove garlic
    • ½ glass of extra virgin olive oil (80 g)


    • We will soak the nuts for a few hours before making the sauce so that they hydrate.
    • Later, we will mix all the ingredients well.
    • We will consume this sauce in 1 or 2 days maximum.

    3. Sweet vinaigrette


    Vinaigrettes are light sauces ideal to enhance the flavor of salads. They also have the advantage that they do not contain dairy and make it easier for us to digest food. Also, they can be prepared in many different ways.

    In this case we have chosen to make one with a sweet touch that will remind us of some oriental recipes, so it will also be a good option to season spring rolls, dumplings, meat or fish.


    • ½ glass of raisins (50 g)
    • ½ glass of extra virgin olive oil (80 g)
    • a pinch of salt
    • ¼ glass of apple or balsamic vinegar (50 ml)
    • A tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • To begin with, we must soak the raisins overnight.
    • The next day, we will beat all the ingredients together with the raisins, which will have been hydrated and puffed overnight.
    • Finally, we recommend mixing until you have a creamy vinaigrette with a homogeneous texture.

    4. Vegan mustard cream

    Vegan mustard cream

    Mustard is also a very popular sauce that stands out for its digestive properties. However, its strong flavor may not appeal to some people.

    In the case of this recipe, we propose a softer mustard cream to accompany hot dishes of rice, potatoes, meat or fish. Although the most common is to make it with cream or milk cream, in this case we will make it suitable for vegans and lactose intolerant.


    • 1 cup of rolled oats (100 g)
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    • ½ glass of mustard (100 g)


    • First we will beat the oat flakes with a glass of hot water and let it rest for 10 minutes.
    • Then we will add the mustard and beat again. We can add a little more hot water if we want the sauce to be more liquid, or more oatmeal if we want to thicken it.

      If we want to heat it, we must do it over low heat, and stir with a spoon. It is recommended to consume it at the moment.

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