4 Keys To Prepare Your Wedding Guest List

Preparing the guest list before the wedding is not easy, especially if the number of guests is quite large. For that reason, today you will discover some keys to make everything much easier.

For this to be possible, it is better that only the bride and groom take care of this. Although they can rely on a wedding planner , it is not advisable for other people to interfere with the guest list. We will see the reasons later.

Keys to preparing the guest list

To prepare the guest list, it is preferable that the couple find time to do it without haste. You can reserve a weekend or some time during the week. What is important to keep in mind is that this should not take too long.

1. Draft the guest list

Notebook to prepare the guest list

The first thing the bride and groom should do is a draft. To do this, they can each take a piece of paper and think about those people they want to be on their guest list. After this step, a third paper will be taken and the names that both have put in will be noted.

At this point, they won’t stop to analyze which guest they can do without. It is only a first contact to prepare the guest list, adjusting it as much as possible thanks to the following keys.

2. Delete guests

Now that the bride and groom already have a first guest list, it is important to start screening. Let’s look at some tips that can help to do this and we will understand why third parties should not be involved in this task:

  • Invited by commitment : people that the couple may not get along but who invite them out of commitment. You need to reflect on this, as the wedding can turn sour if that guest is present.
  • Guests who will not be able to attend : either because they reside in another country, they have some responsibility that does not allow them to attend the event or any other circumstance. For this, it is necessary to call the selected guests and confirm if they will be able to come.

3. Invitation with companion

Wedding guests having a drink

Another aspect that is important for the bride and groom to bear in mind when preparing the guest list is whether they will bring a companion or not. The reason this is important is simple: the choice of the restaurant and the budget that the bride and groom have themselves.

In the event that the bride and groom’s budget cannot handle the large number of guests who are coming, they can continue to screen until the list is more adjusted to the money they have available.

4. Choosing the location

The last of the keys to preparing the guest list is about the choice of the location of the restaurant and the wedding celebration. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account where each guest currently resides.

In many weddings, the bride and groom pay the guests a trip if they decide to do it far from where they are. If this is not possible, it will be necessary to choose something closer. Of course, always in advance.

5. Prepare the guest list and place them at the tables

Wedding table

Although preparing the guest list is already a tedious procedure, it is even more difficult to place them at the tables. To do this, the bride and groom must also go through another phase of organization in which they must think about who is next to whom and the distribution of all the invited people.

As we mentioned at the beginning, although it is not convenient for third parties to participate in this, since unnecessary guests may be added or only by commitment, the help of a professional is allowed.

In fact, having a person who specializes in wedding planning can be quite a respite for the bride and groom. This is important that you value. Well, organizing a wedding can cause a lot of stress, discomfort and even anger.

For that reason, if the couple’s day-to-day is full of responsibilities, a professional can make this much lighter and better. Let us remember that this ceremony, including its preparation, should be a moment of joy and happiness.

What resources have you used to prepare the guest list?

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