4 Oils That Help Calm Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a problem that affects more people than we would like. Discover how to fix it quickly and easily with some remedies based on vegetable oils.

Tooth sensitivity is a problem that affects more people than we would like. This sensitivity is produced by the decrease or wear of the enamel that protects the nerves of the teeth , thus causing us intense pain when drinking hot or cold drinks.

But the problem goes further as it also affects the gums, making them more reddish and causing bleeding.  This can also be caused or aggravated by acidic or sweet foods and drinks as they facilitate the proliferation of bacterial agents that cause sensitivity, cavities and bleeding gums.

There are different products on the market that ensure a decrease in sensitivity in your teeth. Most of these creams are based on potassium nitrate and arginine, which reduce oral sensitivity with great efficiency.

However, they do not always help you to obtain the expected results and they can end up affecting your pocket because of their high cost. For this reason we bring you five natural oils that you can use to reduce sensitivity in your teeth.

1. Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon stick.

The first remedy against tooth sensitivity is cinnamon oil. It contains cinnamic aldehyde and eugenol , two antiviral and analgesic agents that will help you control the discomfort of sensitivity.

To take advantage of its benefits, just apply a couple of drops on the teeth. You can help yourself with your fingers, a cotton ball or a toothbrush. If the discomfort is severe, apply three times a day. Otherwise, one or two will suffice.

You will find cinnamon oil in health food stores and health food stores, and you will only need a small amount. Once at home, remember to keep it in a dark place to prevent it from rusting.

2. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its many uses in health and cosmetic remedies. Among those benefits we can include ability to reduce tooth sensitivity thanks to its terpinene, cineole and pinene.

These ingredients fight pain-causing bacteria and reduce pain in minutes.   You can use tea tree oil as a mouthwash . You only need:


  • 1 glass of warm water. (250 ml)
  • 3 drops of tea tree oil.


  • First, dilute the oil in the warm water.
  • Next, brush your teeth as usual.
  • After removing the paste, rinse.
  • Apply the chamomile oil with a cotton ball or clean fingers.

3. Thyme oil

Thyme bouquet.

The components of thyme include flavonoids and parazymene. Both ingredients help control tooth sensitivity as they act as antiseptic agents.  This oil is also rich in vitamin C and calcium so it will help to strengthen your teeth and improve your health.


  • 1 glass of cold water. (250 ml)
  • 5 drops of thyme oil.


  • To start, brush your teeth as you normally do.
  • Next, after removing the toothpaste, use the mixture to rinse your teeth.
  • Try not to eat anything for an hour.

4. Basil oil

Basil has endless culinary uses. Its pleasant aroma makes it a highly used plant in homes. What few know is that the basil has components as estragole and eugenol act as a natural anti – inflammatory.

This property decreases tooth sensitivity by relaxing the dental nerves. Apply a few drops on a cotton ball and apply to your teeth in circular motions.

Do not resign yourself to tooth sensitivity

Once tooth sensitivity appears, many people think that they must resign themselves. However, to notice the improvement in your teeth and gums you must be constant and disciplined with these treatments. You will notice the improvement in a very short time.

Choose the one that best suits your taste and budget and stop suffering from unnecessary pain.    Start now to enjoy all your favorite drinks and foods, to share with your friends and family members without having to worry about uncomfortable pains.

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