4 Recipes Based On Chestnuts: Delicious And Healthy

Chestnuts are very versatile when it comes to cooking. Due to their texture and particular flavor, they are ideal for making sweet and savory dishes. In addition, they are full of nutrients that benefit the body. Do you want to learn how to make recipes based on chestnuts? Know some options.

Chestnuts are a very popular dried fruit in the fall. However, we can buy them at any time of the year in the market. They are characterized by being an important source of vitamin E, antioxidants, potassium, healthy fats and other key nutrients for the diet.

Chestnut-based recipes: 4 options that you will like to try

Chestnut-based recipes are ideal for vegetarians or people looking for a healthier diet. This dried fruit is perfect for making cakes, butters, desserts and many other preparations. Do you want some ideas? Here are 4 options.

1. Roasted or roasted chestnuts

Roasted chestnuts

The traditional way of consuming chestnuts is roasted or roasted. In fact, in this way you can add them in pasta, rice, smoothies or sauces. It is the simplest recipe to make and it will serve as the basis for many preparations with the dried fruit.


  • Chestnuts (the amount you prefer)
  • Salt (optional)


  • Before roasting or roasting the chestnuts, cut them horizontally to help them cook better.
  • Subsequently, preheat the oven to 180 ºC or roast them in a hot pan.
  • If you choose to bake them, put them in for about 25 minutes.
  • Then wrap them in a cloth and shake them gently to remove the skin.
  • Finally, if you wish, sprinkle some salt on them.

2. Chestnut jam

Are you looking for a good complement for your breakfasts and snacks? Do not forget to try the recipes based on chestnuts. In this case, we propose to make a delicious jam, ideal for spreading on breads, cookies or crepes, among others. It can also be added to savory dishes.


  • 10 chestnuts
  • 3 cups of sugar (750 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • Vanilla bean


  • First, cut the chestnuts horizontally and boil them for 10 minutes.
  • Next, peel them well and grind them.
  • Then dissolve the sugar in water, over medium heat, for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Stir constantly so it doesn’t caramelize.
  • Add the chestnut puree and a vanilla bean to the syrup.
  • Let everything cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • If you think the mixture is too thick, add more syrup or a splash of water.

3. Chestnut and apple tortillas

Omelette with apples

The chestnut and apple omelette requires a little more time than the previous two recipes. However, the end result is worth it. It is a delicious alternative to enjoy at snack time or on a special occasion. You will be fascinated!


  • 1 cup of chestnut flour (200 g)
  • 1 cup of chopped almonds (200 g)
  • 1/2 cup of raisins (100 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of honey (60 g)
  • 4 apples
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
  • Egg
  • 1 teaspoon of poppy seeds (7 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (40 ml)
  • Nutmeg
  • a pinch of salt


  • To start, soak the raisins for 30 minutes. Then drain them well.
  • Next, peel and chop the apples.
  • In addition, in a heavy-bottomed pan, toast the flour for about 10 minutes (over low heat) and transfer it to a deep bowl.
  • Next, add the rest of the ingredients, including the raisins, poppy seeds, nutmeg, and salt.
  • Finally, transfer the mixture to a greased cake pan and put it to cook in an oven preheated to 180 ºC. The preparation will take about 40 minutes.

4. Crepes with chestnut cream and yogurt

One of the chestnut-based recipes that your children will like will be these delicious crepes with chestnut cream and yogurt. Although its calorie content is a bit high, it can be prepared occasionally for a snack or breakfast. 


  • Crepes
  • 1 cup of chestnuts (200 g)
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (100 g)
  • 1/2 apple peeled and chopped
  • Water (as necessary)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (3.5 g)
  • Creamy yogurt (100 ml)


  • First, make a horizontal cut in the chestnuts and put them in a steam case with a little water. Cook them for a couple of minutes and remove the skin.
  • When they’re done, chop them up.
  • Next, put the peeled chestnuts in the steam case and combine them with the sugar, apple, water and cinnamon.
  • Cook in the microwave for 2 minutes on full power.
  • Then, crush the mixture until you get a homogeneous cream. You can store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
  • The last step will be to fill each of the crepes in half . Pour in the mixture, fold them and decorate with a little creamy yogurt.

Chestnuts contain proteins, healthy fats and antioxidants that are good for the body. However, their caloric content varies depending on the preparation that is given to them. Try to moderate with the portions so as not to exceed the calories.

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