4 Shakes For Stronger Hair

Hair loss can be due to several reasons, but whether it is directly related to diet or not, the truth is that we can notice a great improvement if we consume foods rich in nutrients such as vitamins of group B, selenium or zinc.

In this article we propose several simple shakes to prepare and in addition to delicious flavor that, if you drink them regularly, will nourish your hair from the inside and help you to prevent and naturally treat hair loss.

Why is our hair falling out?

In addition to taking the shakes that we propose below, it is essential that you can identify what is the cause that is causing your hair loss in order to perform a complete treatment. These are the most common:

  • Seasonal changes, especially in autumn and spring.
  • Nutritional deficits.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Stress.
  • Continuous exposure to aggressive chemicals with our scalp.
  • Genetic issues.

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    Avocado and nettle

    In any smoothie, avocado is always our first selected fruit, since it is one of the most nutritionally complete, thanks to its high content of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Avocado is especially recommended for those with dry hair, since it provides healthy fats from the inside, but the truth is that it can be taken by all people who want.

    In addition, its flavor and creaminess will allow us to combine it, in this case, with a handful of fresh nettles, which we can buy or collect from a place that is not near the road, and always with gloves.

    Nettle is used in multiple ways to prevent hair loss, but also for weak, oily or dandruff hair. It is rich in vitamins of group B, C, D and E, and minerals such as iron, sulfur or silicon. Many alopecia treatments include nettle among their ingredients.

    Amount per shake:

    • 1/2 avocado.
    • A handful of fresh nettles.
    • 1/2 glass of water or juice.
    • A little honey (optional).

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    Oatmeal, figs and brewer’s yeast

    Oatmeal, a very nutritious cereal, is ideal for hair loss thanks to its content of mainly B vitamins and minerals such as zinc or iron.

    In this case we will combine it with fresh or dried figs, which are rich in zinc and will give the smoothie sweetness. Finally, brewer’s yeast is the ideal natural supplement for any hair or skin problem, and it also helps us regulate the nervous system.

    Amount per shake:

    • A tablespoon of oatmeal cooked for two minutes in a glass of water (we will include the cooking water) or a glass of oatmeal drink.
    • Two fresh or dried figs soaked for a few hours.
    • One level tablespoon of powdered brewer’s yeast.

    figs gregoirevdb

    Amount per shake:

    • 2 ripe kiwis.
    • A handful of baby spinach, if possible they are organic.
    • Half a glass of apple juice or water.
    • A teaspoon of honey

    With these delicious shakes we will achieve a good effect on our hair, in addition to providing our body with many essential nutrients.

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