5 Reasons To Be A Vegetarian

There are several reasons to be a vegetarian. Discover the most relevant here.

All the time we look for alternatives to be healthier. This can lead us to consider drastic choices in our lifestyle. One of those changes can be to leave food from animals and base our diet only on vegetables, that is, to be a vegetarian.

Have you considered it? If you’re not sure why you should be a vegetarian, here are some good reasons. The most important thing is to remember that it is a lifestyle just as valid as any other.

1. You reduce the risk of presenting various types of diseases

Vegetable properties.

Does your family have a history of heart disease or diabetes? In that case you should know that being a vegetarian it will help you to maintain health in several ways:

  • Lowers blood cholesterol.
  • Eliminate the presence of heart disease.
  • Reduces blood pressure and the risk of developing hypertension .
  • Reduces the development of type 2 diabetes.

This effect is due to the fact that common diets include, to a greater or lesser extent, saturated fat and cholesterol in large amounts. However, Vegetarian diets increase the intake of dietary fiber , potassium, vitamins, flavonoids, and vitamins of various types.

Just remember that for these effects to be real, the food you eat must be of good quality and free of frying and chemicals. This implies consuming products that are as natural as possible rather than frozen.

2. You can reduce the risk of developing cancer of various types

Another reason to be a vegetarian is that it is a form of try to protect you cancer. Some of these environmental factors that favor the appearance of this dreaded disease can be diet, sun exposure, obesity and lack of exercise.

A study carried out between 1970 and 1980 showed that There is a direct relationship between decreased cancer risk and eating a plant-based diet. Among the types of cancer that can be avoided are those that affect:

  • Colon
  • Lungs
  • Breasts
  • Brain
  • Skin

3. You will reduce weight

Being a vegetarian will also help you lose weight, which is great news if this is one of your constant fights. This was demonstrated in a investigation carried out to verify if the vegetarian diet really helps to reduce kilos.

The best part is that you will get all the nutrients your body requires. The only thing you should consider is that your vegetarian diet includes all the necessary nutrients. It’s common for you to focus on just a few food groups when starting with these kinds of changes.

Ideally, you should do a little research to understand the nutrients provided by each group or type of vegetable and fruit. Then build your menu with the correct combinations. If you have the possibility, try to seek the advice of a nutritionist to help you determine the amounts, portions and nutrients you require at each meal.

4. You will live longer and better

Because being a vegetarian gives you natural nutrients, your immune system is strengthened . This means that you can have a longest life and of better quality.

You must bear in mind that your diet is not the only influencing factor. You should also lead a healthy life, which includes:

  • Don’t smoke or quit if you do.
  • Drink as little alcohol as possible.
  • Get constant exercise.

5. You will have a varied diet

Vegetarian diet.

The last reason to be a vegetarian is that you will force yourself to eat in a less boring way. This is logical if you take into account that you will have a large number of options to play with. Instead of settling for a piece of meat and two vegetables , you will have to be more resourceful.

In no time you will discover that there are a lot of interesting products that you can try, from exotic spices to new fruits and vegetables. .

What are you waiting to try this new regimen? If you don’t like being a vegetarian in the end, you can always go back to an omnivorous diet.

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