5 Recommendations To Enhance The Assimilation Of Nutrients

Knowing the foods that we put in our mouth is the most effective way to achieve the assimilation of nutrients. Eating is not feeding. So goes a popular saying, and when it comes to nutrients and assimilation, you are correct.

Although we usually obtain the nutrients we need through the types of food we eat, we must know how to classify them. Discover how to enhance the assimilation of nutrients in this post.

Optimal assimilation of nutrients

We must eat all the food groups in a balanced way, in addition to knowing how to cook them so as not to waste their vitamins and calories.

Although we tend to consume all kinds of foods, it is also true that cooking them incorrectly can cause them to lose nutritional value.

Therefore, we must know how to use the different cooking methods very well. Thus, among the healthy options we have steaming, sautéing or roasting.

To load the body with more nutrients, it is advisable that the food we eat is as fresh as possible.

  • Thus, frozen foods are not such a good option after all.
  • The same happens with precooked ones. Remember this well.

It is true that variety must be encouraged within the diet , but when preparing food, it is preferable to avoid mixing many types of food.

A poor combination can make digestion a notable problem, in addition to losing almost all the nutritional value for the body.

How to nourish yourself healthily

Take note of this list of  foods that will help you when it comes to healthy nutrition.

1. Use the garlic

Use garlic to acquire nutrients

Garlic is a food with many benefits for your health, such as strengthening the defenses and helping to reduce the cholesterol.

Seasoning foods with little salt and plenty of garlic has nutritional properties that are very suitable for health:

  • Helps regulate blood pressure.
  • Combat the risk of heart disease, according to a study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design.
  • Create immunity to bacteria that can make you sick.

2. Broccoli is detoxifying

Broccoli is an important food for the assimilation of nutrients. Why? Kristin Kirkpatrick, a nutritionist at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, has repeatedly cited the results of a 2011 study that established a relationship between the consumption of crucifers such as broccoli and increased absorption of nutrients that could help prevent cancer . This is evidenced by research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

In addition, it contains minerals (potassium, calcium), fiber, folic acid and beta-carotenes that protect eyesight and the effect of free radicals on neurons.

  • If it is to your liking, you can prepare the broccoli with a great salad.

3. Blueberries


Blueberries contain antioxidant flavonoids that prevent cardiovascular complications, as well as memory loss and vision problems.

  • They contain polyphenols that reduce the development of fat cells.
  • Thus, they help us control body weight, which is a great public health problem these days.

4. Increase the consumption of oily fish

Oily fish, such as salmon, trout, sardines, and anchovies, are high in fatty acids.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to be essential for the health of the heart, the nervous system and to prevent inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.
  • In addition, they have a high content of vitamins A and D.

Anyway, always prioritize the intake of small fish. These have a lower concentration of heavy metals.

5. Delicious oatmeal

Oatmeal smoothie

This is a cereal that has great benefits for the body, since it provides us with soluble fibers.

Absorbs water in food more efficiently, it lowers cholesterol and improves heart health.

Regarding blood sugar, oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates that will help stabilize glucose levels in the bloodstream.

You can prepare a glass of oatmeal in the morning, as well as you can drink the water from it.


  • 1 cup of oatmeal (105 g).
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).


  • Add the oatmeal to the water and let it sit overnight.
  • The next morning strain the liquid and consume a glass of it on an empty stomach.

In this way you will also promote weight loss.

Improves the assimilation of nutrients to gain health

Include the foods mentioned in the diet to enhance the absorption of nutrients. This way you will improve your health, which will translate into a lower risk of getting sick.

Do not forget that it is also important to do physical exercise on a regular basis, as well as to rest at least 7 hours every night. Only if you take into account all these tips will you get the body to function optimally.

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