5 Tips For A Safe Car Trip When Going Out With Your Children

When you have children at home, it is important to prepare a safe car trip to fully enjoy that family experience.

Those long-distance trips for vacations, a weekend or a simple day of adventure, amuse and unite the family, but they are not without risks if we do not take precautions.

If you are a new dad or looking to improve, these tips can help you.

If you intend to travel by car with children, you must take security measures to avoid any kind of inconvenience .

How to have a safe car trip if you travel with children?

1. Check the car before traveling

Before leaving, you should  check your car in your trusted workshop . It is essential that the wheels are in excellent condition, the brakes are up to date and the engine is fully operational.

You will probably have to drive at night, so you should check the condition of your vehicle’s headlights so that they optimally illuminate the road.

Traveling with children by car.

Additionally, estimate approximately how much fuel you will need. These calculations will help you make your trip safe and budget more fully.

2. Travel free of alcohol or other drugs

Driving is an activity that requires attention and concentration . That is why it is important that the person in charge of the steering wheel is in the best physical and mental health conditions.

Avoid consuming narcotics or alcoholic beverages if you plan to travel by car with your children. Remember that, in addition to ensuring your safety, you must also take care of the integrity of your family.

If you are taking medications, make sure they do not cause drowsiness or other reactions. If so, check with your doctor.

3. Drive at a moderate speed

A safe car trip should be entertaining and enjoyable for you and your family. Try not to speed up; do not be in a hurry to reach the destination. Respect the legal limits.

The magic of car travel is enjoying the road .

High speeds always have serious consequences for you, your family, and others.

The authorities can fine you or, in the worst case, arrest you.

Avoid these types of situations so that the car trip is an unforgettable experience for you and your children.

4. Get enough sleep before traveling

A well-rested body is essential for almost any activity.

When it comes to taking the wheel, you need to have your five senses fully operational . You must be alert, hydrated and aware of everything around you.

I dream while driving.

Drowsiness, yawning and inattention are the main enemies of your car trip.

If you feel tired while driving a long stretch of road, stop. Look for a hotel that is close to the road where you travel and rest.

5. Bring a chair for the baby

Now let’s take into account the most important part: the baby. It is essential that each child has their own space in the rear seats of the car.

If they are babies, it is essential that you have a baby seat at your disposal so that their trip is comfortable and safe.

The Pons Foundation of Spain estimates that 44% of the children who died on the roads were not in their special seat.

In the United States, it is the leading cause of infant death. 35% of deaths occur due to not being in the baby seat, but in addition, each year there are more than 100,000 children who suffer serious injuries for this reason.

Have games, books or objects on hand that your children can manipulate during the trip. Remember that they are children, and long distances by car can bore them .

Additionally, prepare a bag with different foods and hydration so that both you and the children have these things at your fingertips.

If they like music, try to prepare a playlist according to the tastes of your little ones, so that the trip is remembered as an unforgettable family experience.

Little boy in car.


When planning a safe car trip with your children, be careful with every detail that this event entails.

As additional tips to make sure everything runs smoothly, keep these other considerations in mind:

  • Keep a first-aid kit, some bandages, and medicines in your luggage.
  • If you go to another country, check the legal conditions of each region so that you are aware when crossing the borders.
  • Remember to keep your identification, papers and licenses up to date.
  • Do not forget to bring a camera, as there will be many moments that you will want to capture during the trip.

You already know, a safe car trip requires much more than the skill of the driver. Foresight is as important or more than your driving skills.

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