5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Colon

The colon is an organ that is part of the large intestine. Its main functions include absorbing water and storing solid waste. This means that it acts as a kind of filter in the body and, specifically, in the final phase of the digestion process. Interesting, right? Do you know how to take care of your colon? If the answer is yes, then do not miss everything that we are going to tell you below.

Another function of the colon in the body is that it extracts salt and water from toxic waste before we eliminate them, which helps maintain organic balance. It also “contains a large part of the intestinal flora or microbiome; a set of microorganisms that facilitate the absorption of calcium and iron, promote intestinal movement and have an immunological purpose “, as indicated by experts.

Although there are several products that promise to renew, repower and take care of the colon, you have to be careful. Not all are beneficial and many, even when used according to directions, can cause health problems rather than prevent them. This is because not everyone does well with these types of products. In addition, many factors must be taken into account, such as health or lifestyle.

Health experts indicate that, in reality, it is you who, through a few simple guidelines applied day by day, within a healthy lifestyle, you can take care of your colon. Do you dare to discover them below?

Tips to take care of your colon … and not risk your health!

Thousands of essential microorganisms live in the colon that, in addition to maintaining the body’s balance, help fight against harmful bacteria and yeast.

If we insist on cleaning the colon in any way, we will run the risk of altering the balance of that microbiota, and with it, eliminating a part of the microorganisms that protect us. Therefore, you have to be careful.

Your two goals when taking care of your colon will be to protect these beneficial microorganisms and avoid overloading the organ with waste and toxins.

1. Have a good breakfast in the morning

Do not forget to eat breakfast to take care of your colon

We all know it, but this time we are not going to fixate on breakfast as the ideal way to start the day with a good dose of energy.

Breakfast (and a good diet in general) is a perfect mechanism to stimulate the intestinal movement to avoid constipation and take care of the bacterial flora (also known as the intestinal microbiota ). For this we must eat some fruit, fiber and a hot drink.

Half a mango, for example, some vegetable milk with a little oatmeal and an infusion of chamomile and anise can be a good combination for breakfast to take care of your colon and intestines.

2. Tips when going to the bathroom

The first thing, when you feel like having a bowel movement, don’t hold back. Withholding the urge to go to the bathroom is a very bad thing for the colon. Stools can become hard, and we can accumulate more toxins in the flora and damage it.

Another aspect to remember, doctors warn us that it is not advisable to “make efforts.” There are many people who, not being able to evacuate, exert a lot of force and may thus appear some injuries or fissures in the anus.

An advice? In case you can’t, at one point, have something hot, wait a few minutes, and go back to the bathroom.

Ideally, sit on the toilet bowl with your feet on a stool, as this position better facilitates evacuation.

3. The importance of a fermented yogurt

Fermented yogurts contain natural probiotics that allow us to care for and maintain the intestinal flora, essential to take care of the health of the colon. It improves digestion and it is a simple remedy that we should not be afraid of despite being part of the dairy group.

There are many homemade recipes that we can benefit from. To take care of your colon, do not hesitate to use your own homemade yogurts.

4. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fruits for breakfast.

We all know the great benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables. But also think about the health of your colon to motivate you even more when it comes to including them daily in your dishes.

Natural fruits and vegetables (without cooking) offer us essential enzymes for digestion and taking care of the intestine and colon.

5. How much water do you drink a day?

We have told you many times in space: a day you should drink two liters of water. But do you really do it?

It is basic and essential that you provide correct hydration to the body, in this way we facilitate digestion, eliminate toxins and improve the functioning of the body.

6. Foods to take care of your colon

Flax seeds vs chia seeds.

There are certain foods that can help us take care of the colon and therefore, it is worth including them in the weekly menu:

  • Mangoes: help fight constipation, take care of the intestine, the intestinal flora and the colon.
  • Strawberries: always eat them fresh when they are in season. They are a natural source of minerals, vitamins and fiber, which also help us detoxify the body. Ideal if you take them as fruit, but remember, do not add sugar or cream.
  • Flax seeds: they are a source of protein, essential fatty acids and fiber. They are easy to digest and we can include them in food and smoothies.

What do you think of these ideas to take care of your colon? They will surely seem much easier to apply in your routine than resorting to any artificial product of doubtful composition.

Remember that if you have doubts about how to maintain good lifestyle habits, or how to improve them, you can always consult your doctor.

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