5 Virtues That Every Love Relationship Should Have

Maintaining a stable, healthy and happy love relationship is something that every human being aspires to.  There is no magic recipe that allows us to get it. However, we must know that there are some basic pillars to which we should all aspire. We will discuss them below.

1. Give and take

10 things good couples do together.

Sometimes, we make the mistake of giving absolutely everything for the other person, without expecting anything in return. We must be careful with the fact that the balance is always tilted to the same side. Rather,  care and respect are two of those pillars on which the relationship must rest.

Maintaining a healthy love relationship is giving and receiving equally. It would be desirable not to have to demand, but, if necessary, it should be done for the health of the relationship. I offer you my love, and, in return, I need to be respected, understood and cared for.

The pact must reside, then, in that we are able to offer the same thing that we demand of the other person. Otherwise, it won’t take long for feelings such as suffering and frustration to appear. Open up to the other person, but make sure you get the same in return.

2. Love without depending or submitting

Another very common mistake is building a relationship based on dependency. If we get used to depending on another person, we will never feel fulfilled. This gives rise to situations conducive to the appearance of jealousy or mistrust. We must build a loving relationship in which there is no submission, in which no one forces anyone to do anything they do not want, in which there is no domination or control.

What is desirable, in any case, is that our partner trusts us, that he loves us. A very different thing is to take our breath away or put limits on us. Having space for one as a person is essential. That is, you must not only find time for yourself, to grow as a person, but your partner has to help you in your purpose. This will result in reinforcing the self-esteem and autonomy of both. Say no to submission.

3. Listen and learn to dialogue

Arguments are common in love relationships. What couple has not had differences on some occasion? It is normal and even hygienic. Defending one’s point of view helps us to set standards and set limits, also necessary for mutual understanding.

On those usually unpleasant occasions, we put the other person and ourselves to the test. But, it also allows you to get to know the couple better. Thus, the better than arguing, the best will be to learn to dialogue. In other words, the purpose of this exchange of opinions is for the good, never to punish or humiliate the other.

We dialogue to reach agreements and to learn from these situations. Hence the importance of  knowing how to listen. This means doing the healthy exercise of putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and taking their needs into account.

Knowing how to listen is knowing how to speak, contribute ideas, defend one’s point of view and have the courage to change it if, after the exchange, we see the advantage or the fairness of the couple’s approach. It is therefore advisable to try to  have an open mind and understand that dialogue is not to get angry or insult. To dialogue is to understand and learn as well.

4. Know how to adapt

There is something we must be clear about: it is not possible to change the other person. It is also not good to try to do it, because it is useless. Let’s take a simple example: you like nature and are used to going on excursions with your friends and family on weekends. He, however, is more about being at home, watching television or playing with his console. You love each other but your interests differ sometimes.

Should you stop going for walks in the field? Should he leave his customs? Not at all, we must adapt to each other and know how to combine hobbies. A possible solution to this problem could be that one week he will accompany you on your excursions, and the next, you stay at home watching movies comfortably with your partner.

To reach these agreements it is necessary that in the love relationship there is respect and enthusiasm for having a project together.

5. Maintain the illusion every day

Love is fed day by day, even with small gestures. Gestures are very important to maintain that daily illusion with which to keep our love relationship strong. And this requires little effort and having details whenever possible. Show the other person how important they are to you. And, let your partner show you too.

A caress when least expected, a good morning kiss, the two of us go to bed at the same time, strive to do things together, demonstrate with facts that the other person matters … All are pillars on which a truly solid and stable relationship is built .

Remember: the ideal relationship is the one that is built day by day on these bases. You deserve to be happy and you can do a lot to achieve it. Happiness is in your hands. Never forget.

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