6 Beauty Tips For Brides

All girls want to look like a princess on their wedding day, that date they dream of since the marriage proposal. Some fear not achieving that image, but there are some beauty tricks for brides that solve all problems.

You have to be calm, dedicate time and propose to be the most beautiful bride of all. The rest is achieved by just following these simple, but magical steps for women.

6 beauty hacks for brides that make you a wedding celebrity

From the moment they set a wedding date, it is necessary to start taking measures to achieve the best image.

1. Hydration of the skin

The skin of the face, hands and body must be kept hydrated and clean. For this you have to use the creams that have already been tried and drink a minimum of two liters of water daily. If possible, they should avoid trying new products on the day of the wedding to avoid risk of allergies.

Similarly, large exposures to the sun or artificial tanning must be avoided on short notice. The face may feel swollen, irritated, and the skin may not be scaly. In addition, it is something that has already gone out of style.

2. Make-up to tone

Wedding makeup.

Depending on the skin tone of the bride, this will be the makeup color that should be chosen. The ideal is to show a face with harmonious colors and that do not generate too much contrast. Rather, it is about reinforcing the same tonality by playing with shadows to hide imperfections.

You always have to get more force than a normal output, especially to make it look good in cameras. If it is very weak, the photos may be dim.

3. Quality is essential

No budget to skimp on beauty for brides: betting on the quality of the products is essential. It is essential that both foundation and blushes, eyeliners and shadows remain intact throughout the evening.

It is very likely that the most exciting moments cause the girls to shed their tears, so you have to be safe. Everything has to be waterproof and moisture proof. The climate is also one of those that plays tricks when the elements are of lower quality.

4. Correctors cannot be absent

Correctors are necessary for dark circles and perhaps some mark (which are never missing or are discovered when seeking perfection of the face). The tone that is applied in the area of ​​dark circles can vary ; for example, if you have red dark circles, then the concealer will be green and if you have purple dark circles, then the yellow concealer will be used.

The way to administer these dissimulators is with a brush, gently, or by tapping with the fingers. Do not press or place excessive amounts, or the solution will be more serious than the problem.

5. Natural eyelashes

The beauty of brides consists, mainly, in their natural and delicate appearance. While it is true that many women are not gifted with good eyelashes, false eyelashes should never be used for a wedding.

The trick is to arch them and apply masks evenly from the center out. Do not look for thickness or go overboard with quantity. As with the rest of the products, the masks also have to be waterproof.

6. Rest of makeup

A foundation and a blush in the area of ​​the cheekbones that only highlights the smile. Pastel colors are usually the most chosen for this type of party. Whites serve to illuminate and are necessary in the eyes and on the edges of the nose.

For the lips, they must first be outlined and then put on a balm, to continue with the lipstick and gloss. We cannot forget that the whole day they will be receiving and giving kisses, so you have to have it on hand to touch up.

At the end of the entire process, a fixative must be placed so that it lasts more hours. Beyond all efforts, there is a chance that something will rub off a bit or run. The makeup kit has to be present and easily accessible when it comes to beauty items for brides.


With these beauty tricks for brides, all girls are guaranteed to feel full and beautiful. The emotion or the weather cannot cause any tragedy if you choose waterproof products.

The simpler and more natural the makeup is, the more beautiful the bride looks. In fact, men prefer them with an image without so much color or shine.

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