6 Detox Shakes To Cleanse Your Body: Do They Really Work?

In recent years, a wide variety of detox shake recipes have become popular which, according to their proponents, can help “cleanse the body.” However, it is a subject that is quite controversial, since the evidence indicates that they do not have properties beyond their nutritional value.

In fact, scientific studies indicate that there are no foods, juices or products that in themselves can “purify” or detoxify the body. In a healthy organism, this function is carried out by the liver, where, thanks to the cytochromes, the transformation of toxins is generated to later eliminate them through the kidney.

Of course, what we can do is maintain a healthy and balanced diet that meets our nutritional needs, as this guarantees proper functioning of these organs. It is even decisive for the prevention of diseases.

Thus, there is no problem in trying the popular detox shakes , as long as we are clear that they do not have the effects that many claim. Simply, since they combine fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods, it is a way to obtain nutrients associated with our well-being.

Detox shake recipes 

Detox shake recipes  do not properly cleanse the body, but they are useful for obtaining nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, proteins and other elements that contribute to good health. In fact, they are a good alternative to satisfy hunger without adding too many calories.

Of course, if what we want is to feel the body lighter, we must accompany its consumption with a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables. In addition, we must limit the consumption of trans fats , processed and sugar sources. Ready to try them? Take aim!

1. Red fruit smoothie


The red fruits, in addition to being delicious, are full of important nutrients. According to a review through the journal Antioxidants , this variety of fruits stands out for the large amount of antioxidant molecules that they concentrate. Specifically, they are a source of phenolic acids and anthocyanidins. 


  • Strawberries 85 g (½ cup)
  • Blackberries 75 g (½ cup)
  • Blueberries 75 g (½ cup)
  • Raspberries 75 g (½ cup)
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered spirulina (20 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds (5 g)


  • First, put all the ingredients in the blender
  • Then, add water if you consider it necessary
  • Then process it for a few seconds until everything is well incorporated
  • Finally, drink immediately to enjoy the concentration of its nutrients.

2. Cherry smoothie

The main ingredient in this detox shake is cherry. A review published through the journal Nutrients highlights that this fruit contains fiber, polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C and potassium. In addition, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

Along with cherries, we take advantage of the nutrients contained in cucumbers and celery, two low-calorie vegetables that also help promote well-being.


  • 4 cherries
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 stalks of celery


  • Simply blend all the ingredients at high speed until you get a smooth, lump-free mixture.
  • Drink it on an empty stomach or mid-morning.

3. Aloe vera, apple and pineapple smoothie

Coconut, pineapple and ginger drink

One of the most popular detox shakes is the one made with aloe vera, apple, and pineapple juice. Its significant contribution of fiber and enzymes contribute to good digestion. 

The aloe vera plant has multiple medicinal applications. For this reason, research attributes benefits to digestive health. Pineapple, meanwhile, contains an enzyme called bromelain that fights inflammation and supports digestion. 


  • 1 apple chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of spirulina algae powder (20 g)
  • 1 cup of natural pineapple juice (250 ml)


  • Simply process all the ingredients in the blender until you get a smooth, lump-free shake.
  • Drink it freshly shaken.

4. Sweet parsley smoothie

Parsley is a food well known for its applications in natural medicine. According to a review published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine , it is a plant with carminative, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains phenolic compounds and flavonoids.

To make this detox shake we combine it with green apple, banana, dates and lemon juice. Without a doubt, a refreshing drink, full of flavor and perfect to satisfy hunger.


  • 6 dates
  • 1 banana
  • 1 green apple
  • 45 g of fresh parsley
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • ¼ cup of lemon juice (62.5 ml)


    • First, put everything in the blender.
    • Then, process for a couple of minutes until you get a homogeneous mixture.
    • Finally, consume it fesco.

    5. Fruit smoothie and green tea

    There are many recipes for homemade smoothies

    An interesting way to increase the consumption of fruits is with this type of smoothie. In this case, we propose to use green tea as a base to obtain more benefits. According to a publication in the Chinese Medical Journal , green tea contains enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins (B, C, E), and minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, selenium, sodium, and potassium.

    In turn, its main medicinal properties are attributed to its concentration of – epigallocatechin-3-gallate , which could contribute to the prevention of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.


    • 2 cups of frozen fruits (to taste) (150 g)
    • 1 cup of green tea (250 ml)
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


    • Simply, beat all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous smoothie
    • Consume it very fresh.
    • You can take it after large meals to avoid indigestion.

    6. Grapefruit (grapefruit) and cactus smoothie

    Grapefruit is distinguished by its particular flavor and low calorie content. Information published in the Journal of food and nutrition research indicates that its consumption helps to improve the quality of the diet. In this case, we will combine it with nopal.


    • 2 grapefruits
    • 1 small nopal leaf
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (optional) (25 g)


    • First, extract the juice from the two grapefruits.
    • Then, chop the nopal.
    • Blend both ingredients.
    • Add a little honey to it.
    • Finally, serve without straining.

      In summary, although detox shakes do not have the ability to cleanse the body or blood as some claim, their consumption can help obtain the nutrients that the body needs. They can even be included in a balanced diet as allies for good health.

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