6 Easy Exercises To Exercise The Muscles Of The Feet At Home

Although very few pay them the attention they deserve, the feet are a fundamental part of the human body. Thanks to these we have the ability to walk, run and perform many other activities that are necessary for our day to day. Added to this, we consider that each of these actions t ienen to bear the weight of our body and other pressure overload.

For this reason, it is normal that, on occasions, they become tense, tired and develop a series of discomforts that prevent them from feeling well. Fortunately, there are several homemade solutions that we can put into practice to strengthen them and improve their health.

This time we want to share some localized exercises with which you can work your muscles to alleviate ailments and avoid injuries. Practice them!

1. Static flexion of the fingers

Static flexion of the fingers

The key to this simple activity is to apply light pressure with your fingers and keep your ankles still.

How to do it?

  • Take off your shoes, relax your feet, and sit in a chair with your back straight.
  • Next, put both feet on the ground and press with your toes, without moving your ankles.
  • Hold the pressure for 3 seconds, relax and repeat the same action.
  • Work with both feet for 3 sets of 10 reps each.

2. Exercise with a towel

person exfoliating feet

With this exercise we focus our feet on wrinkling a towel so that your muscles work a little more.

How to do it?

  • Spread a towel on the floor and place your bare feet on it.
  • Gradually try to grasp the towel with the toes of your right foot, in such a way that it gets closer and closer.
  • After doing this, wrinkle the towel in the opposite direction and repeat with the other foot.
  • Do two sets with each one.

3. Pick up a pencil

exercise lifting pencil

This movement is relaxing and helps soothe pain in the toes and sole of the foot. The only tool you will need is a pencil or other similar object.

How to do it?

  • Sit with your bare feet flat on the floor.
  • Put the pencil in front of your toes and then lift it up with your right foot.
  • Raise your leg a little and hold the position for 5 seconds without dropping the object.
  • Slowly return to the ground and switch to the other foot.
  • Repeat 10 times with each foot and do up to 3 sets.

4. Walk on tiptoe

Such a short activity with walking on your toes allows you to work the muscles of the feet, ankles and calves.

Best of all, it helps build concentration and balance skills.

How to do it?

  • Stand with your feet apart, prop yourself up on your toes, and tiptoe for at least 15 seconds.
  • Rest another 15 seconds and perform the same movement 4 or 5 times.

5. Squat jumps

Squat jumps

Squat jumps require a bit more movement than the above activities, but they’re worth a try – you’ll need to do them on a yoga mat, mat, or other firm, soft surface. Your practice will also benefit your glutes, calves, and thighs.

How to do it?

  • Take off your shoes and socks, and spread your feet hip-width apart.
  • Get into a squatting position, imagining that you are sitting on a chair.
  • Make sure your knees don’t go over your feet and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • When you are in the correct position, push your body up and use the power of your feet to take a good jump.
  • It is important to be careful with the landing, as it must be soft to avoid knee injuries.
  • Perform two sets of 10 repetitions each.

6. Flexion, toes and heels

With this position we are going to increase the intensity of the exercise of the pointed feet, this time doing it with the knees slightly bent and alternating it with the heels. The benefits of its constant practice are felt in the calf muscles and the extensors of the foot.

How to do it?

  • Take off your shoes and with your feet away from your hips and your knees slightly bent, raise your heels a little off the ground and perform 5 steps walking on your toes.
  • Then, rest your foot and walk on your heels.
  • Perform the movement alternately and do about 5 repetitions of 5 steps each.

Although they seem very simple to be so good, continuous performance of all these exercises makes your feet feel more well-being.

Take them out in a few minutes that you have free and see that they are a great solution to the annoyances that afflict them.

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