6 Natural Beauty And Hygiene Products

Personal care and hygiene play a very important role in our physical health, but also in the emotional and social sphere. To hygiene care we can add the concept of beauty, which is also important in our society.

When we don’t have the proper beauty and hygiene habits, some kind of social rejection can occur due to bad body odors or bad breath, which are usually quite unpleasant for those who have to perceive them.

Luckily, today there are all kinds of products to help in these tasks and, regardless of social status, they are easy to access.

It is true that in the market there are many expensive products and out of reach of some people; However, there are natural alternatives that can be quite useful and, in fact, they tend to be healthier because they are not composed of harsh chemicals.

This time we are going to share the recipes for 6 natural hygiene and beauty products that you can make at home to pamper yourself and save money. Are you interested?

1. Moisturizing cream for your beauty and hygiene


There are many on the market, in all presentations and for all skin needs. However, if you are referring to the natural alternative, be sure to try flax seed oil as a natural moisturizer.

To do?

  • The first option would be to purchase flax seed oil at any herbal store.
  • But, if this is not possible, you can soak a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of water and let it sit overnight. The next morning you will have a thick liquid ideal to hydrate the whole body and even the hair.

2. Tonic

Toners help regulate excess oil in the skin and also have a firming action that helps prevent sagging. In short, they help us both in our beauty and in our daily hygiene.

To prepare a 100% natural one, the only thing you will need is green tea and cucumber.

To do?

  • Boil a cup of green tea, strain it, and then blend it in the blender with half a cucumber.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the liquid and then gently massage it all over your face.

3. Body scrub

Body scrub

The scrub has the function of removing dead skin cells and dirt that gives an unhealthy appearance.

Ingredients as inexpensive as coarse sugar and almond oil can accomplish this task and leave skin feeling soft in the process.

To do?

  • Mix two tablespoons of coarse sugar in a container (if you cannot find it, you can use brown sugar) with one of almond oil, form a paste and apply it with gentle circular massages.

    4. Antibacterial gel

    Washing your hands is an essential habit to prevent diseases since, unfortunately, they carry thousands of microorganisms.

    As there is no soap and water nearby, a good alternative to disinfect them is the application of an antibacterial gel.


    • 1 dispenser
    • 10 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (150 g)
    • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
    • 20 drops of tea tree oil
    • 8 drops of eucalyptus essential oil


    • First, extract the aloe vera gel and put it in a container.
    • Then, add the essential oils and mix all the substances until you get a homogeneous gel.
    • After achieving a more or less liquid consistency, pack it and always carry it with you to apply it on your hands.

    5. Toothpaste


    A natural toothpaste can be quite helpful in removing bacteria from your mouth and preventing bad breath.

    As if that were not enough, use ingredients such as baking soda and salt, recommended to remove dental stains.


    • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 g)
    • ½ teaspoon of sea salt (2.5 g)
    • 1 drop of peppermint essential oil


    • Form a paste with all the ingredients and dilute it in a little water.
    • Use a toothbrush to apply like conventional cream and rinse as usual.

    6. Foot deodorant

    Foot deodorants prevent excess sweating in this part of the body and help eliminate odor-causing bacteria.

    This natural formula is very effective for daily hygiene and beauty, as it combines ingredients with antibacterial properties.


    • 5 and a half liters of water
    • ½ cup mint leaves
    • ½ cup of baking soda
    • 7 drops of tea tree oil


    • Bring the water to a boil and prepare a mint infusion, letting the leaves rest for half an hour.
    • Strain, discard the leaves and keep the resulting liquid.
    • Add the baking soda and essential oil.
    • Put the liquid in a basin and soak your feet for 20 minutes.
    • After the said time, take your feet out and dry them well to remove the moisture.

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