6 Tips For Washing Delicate Clothes

The use of the washing machine has become so common that the idea of ​​washing clothes by hand is almost no longer conceived. However, we all know that a jean is not the same as a silk shirt. On this occasion we will share with you some tips to wash delicate clothes and keep them in perfect condition.

Today, washing machines offer a variety of cleaning programs that treat garments according to your needs. From the duration of the same to the spin speed, you can choose the one that helps us to better preserve the fabrics.

We are going to review some very simple tips to apply so that your garments are impeccable and retain their finesse.

Tips for washing delicate clothes

It is important to take special care when washing your delicate garments, otherwise you could ruin them in their first wash. It should be noted that not all fine clothes require the same care when washing. In other words, it will depend on many factors, such as the type of fabric, the kind of product and the cleaning techniques.

1. Type of fabric

Hand wash delicate clothes.

It is essential to know the type of fabric of the garment that you are going to wash. Be it silk, synthetic or cotton, each of them requires different approaches. To do this, check the labels, as there you will find all the information you need to know before washing the garment.

In general, the label says the composition of the fabric and the washing recommendations: if it is by hand or machine, the ideal temperature, the allowed products, the ironing. Follow those directions to the letter.

2. Machine wash

If the garments can be machine washed, we recommend that you take the following precautions:

  • Fasten buttons and close zippers to prevent them from snagging together and damaging fabrics.
  • Wash them inside out so that the fabrics do not wear out so much.
  • Do not load the washing machine to its maximum capacity, but only to a third. In this way, the water and soap will be able to impregnate well and the washing will be more efficient.
  • Choose a short wash program, with cold water and, if possible, without spinning.
  • Use special machine wash bags for delicate clothes. These are mesh-type cloth covers that allow water and detergent to pass through. The good thing about these bags is that they prevent friction between the garments and their deterioration.

3. Hand wash for delicate clothes

Although it may seem like an antique to you, there are still those who prefer to wash their delicate clothes by hand. It is actually very simple and fast. Follow this step by step:

  1. Soak the garments in plenty of cold water with a little detergent. It is not necessary to place a large number of products.
  2. Remove possible stains by rubbing gently.
  3. Rinse the clothes in cold water until no soap remains.
  4. Do not twist the clothes; Rather, put them on a towel so that the excess water is absorbed.
  5. Let it dry in the sun on the wrong side, as long as the label does not specify otherwise.

4. Cleaning products

There are some detergents that are special for delicate fabrics. In this sense, we suggest you opt for a liquid and neutral soap. Fabric softeners are not recommended because they do not have a good effect on textile fibers.

The secret is to add a cap of white vinegar. You will see how soft your garments are without any type of smell.

5. Drying

Drying delicate items is just as important as washing. For one thing, the heat from the dryer could damage the fabric. On the other hand, if we lay them wet there is a risk that they will deform or that the marks of the tweezers remain. The best way is to place them in a horizontal position on a towel.

Woman with fabric softener.

6. Ironing delicate clothes

The theory is that the iron does not go well with clothes with delicate fibers. However, if it is a garment that requires ironing, you should do it at a very low temperature. Run the iron quickly and you could use a thin cotton cloth between the garment and the tool.

Follow these tips to wash delicate clothes

We believe that washing your delicate garments can be a very easy and effective task if you follow the advice that we present. In the case of baby and intimate clothes, we recommend using hypoallergenic and neutral products. In this way you will avoid allergic reactions.

We hope that your outfits will be as good as new after washing and that you can keep them intact for a long time.

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