7 Key Tips To Keep Skin Plump After 40

In addition to the use of anti-wrinkle creams and sunscreen, there are other habits that help prevent the signs of aging. We will tell you everything in the following article.

One of the great wishes when you reach 40 years is to keep your skin smooth. Although the signs of aging typical of age are inevitable, with some care you can slow down this process. Thus, anyone can look younger for longer.

Keep in mind that there are no miracles. A person who has cared for their skin since their teens or early youth is likely to have smoother skin than those who start at this age.

However, do not despair. It is never too late to bet on your well-being, especially when self-esteem comes into play. We propose 7 key tips that will help you in this process.

Top tips for keeping skin plump after 40

1. Increase the consumption of vitamins C and A

Incorporating foods that are sources of vitamins C and A is essential to keep skin smooth after 40. Although these nutrients should be consumed from infancy, at this stage they are decisive to alleviate skin deterioration.

  • According to this study carried out by a team from the University of Otago (New Zealand) , vitamin C has an antioxidant effect that minimizes the impact of free radicals on tissues. It also helps in the synthesis of collagen and provides firmness and elasticity to the face.  
  • For its part, vitamin A also participates in the synthesis of collagen and has shown, according to this research by Dr. Bae-Hwan Kim of Keimyung University (South Korea) , to help prevent the symptoms of skin aging.

2. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water.

At all stages of life,  drinking plenty of water is essential for health. However, when you reach 40 it is necessary to increase your consumption; especially when it is not done on a regular basis.

Although according to the Mayo Clinic there is a lack of scientific evidence in relation to its hypothetical anti-wrinkle capacity, it is essential to stay hydrated so that the body can function properly.

Be that as it may, drinking between 4 and 6 glasses of water a day will be more than enough.

3. Apply an anti-wrinkle cream

On the market there are a large number of creams and cosmetics with anti-wrinkle components. It is recommended that you consult your dermatologist first, since they will know how to recommend the best one according to your skin type and its characteristics.

4. Use facial toner

The use of facial toner is still underestimated by much of society. However, it is an  essential product to keep skin smooth and firm.

It is usually recommended just after the nightly face wash, and just before applying the anti-wrinkle cream. In addition to toning the skin, it helps to remove the small traces of dirt that the facial cleanser has been unable to neutralize.

5. Use sunscreen

The sun is one of the worst enemies of the skin. That is why it is so important to use sunscreen at any stage of life, especially when we plan to spend a lot of time in the sun.

Well, after 40, we should maintain this habit, but with a sun protection factor of 30 or more. Although it seems silly, your skin should be more protected than ever.

6. Get peels  on a regular basis

The peeling is a cleaning treatment and exfoliation intensive allowing restore damaged skin. Thus, its acidic and astringent products help to oxygenate the tissues and clean the pores.

For this, it is recommended that you go to a specialized clinic, with good recommendations and that it is reliable. Get informed, you don’t want your skin to be in the hands of just anyone!

7. Practice facial exercises

Pronouncing vowels out loud, puffing out your cheeks, or blinking fast are simple facial exercises that can help keep your tissues firm and elastic.

You can consult with your dermatologist which are the most recommended and establish a daily routine. Little by little, you will notice the first results.

Do not be careless, you are still very young

Some take it for granted that turning 40 means getting dangerously close to old age. And anything farter from the reality! Nowadays, people are living longer and, therefore, the lifestyle and the way of taking care of themselves have completely changed.

It is not difficult to find people who, at 50 or 60, play sports regularly, travel to incredible places and have an exciting social life. Your age is not defined by your years, but by your personality and your way of living. 

So it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself. There may be effects that you can no longer reverse, but still, your complexion will be much brighter and more beautiful. You just have to give yourself a chance.

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