7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Radishes: They Are Very Medicinal!

They are small, with an intense flavor and give a delicious freshness to our salads. If you love radishes too, you’re in luck. The reason? Your health and your body will thank you.

There are many types of radishes. They can be white, red, purple, black or even green (remember that Japanese wasabi is extracted from a type of horseradish).

They are inexpensive and easy to find in our markets. From our space we suggest that you eat them fresh, organically grown and combined in salads.

Your body will experience very positive changes. Next, we explain its benefits.

1. Radishes take care of your liver

Radishes are very healthy for our liver health, according to this study from China Agricultural University. They are detoxifying and purify the blood of toxins and waste.

  • Patients suffering from jaundice, for example, can benefit from its regular consumption by controlling and reducing the level of bilirubin.
  • Radishes also protect our red blood cells to promote oxygen transport in the blood.

2. Reduce urinary tract infections

Urine infection, as we already know, is very common. Now, something as simple as including radishes on a regular basis in our salads could protect us from this common problem.

  • Radishes are diuretics and naturally increase urine production.
  • They also act as great antibacterials, great for fighting infections and taking care of the kidneys. This is stated in this study from the University of Szeged (Hungary).

One way to prevent urinary tract infections could be to drink this natural radish-based juice twice a week.

Take note if you wish.


  • 2 radishes
  • The juice of 1 orange
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • The first thing we will do is wash the radishes and strawberries well. Next, we will obtain the orange juice.
  • Finally, you just need to blend the radishes and strawberries well to combine everything with the glass of water and natural orange juice.
  • It is a smoothie with an intense flavor –something spicy– but ideal for taking care of our urinary tract.

3. Radishes promote weight loss

What are the benefits of radish?

Radishes are great for any diet that aims to lose weight safely. It is a root low in carbohydrates but very rich in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Nutrition experts recommend the consumption of this vegetable for its virtues when it comes to promoting weight loss by taking care of our metabolism (they transform fat into energy).

4. Radishes and caring for our hearts

Radishes are a great source of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoids that give it its hue and also take care of our cardiovascular health. This is stated in this study from Edith Cowan University (Australia).

  • Anthocyanins have the exceptional quality of taking care of our veins and arteries. They prevent their hardening as well as inflammation.
  • The consumption of all kinds of red or bluish fruits and vegetables will give us a good level of this type of healthy flavonoids.

5. You will reduce your blood pressure

Regulates blood pressure

This root offers us a very interesting natural source of potassium. As we already know, this mineral is essential in our body to regulate blood pressure.

In addition, it allows us to improve blood flow, in turn favoring the correct distribution throughout the body.

To take full advantage of the virtues of radishes, take note of this natural juice.


  • 2 radishes
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


As you already know, the flavor of these radish-based smoothies is a bit “intense”. However, the effect you will notice is as pleasant as it is healthy. It is worth a try.

  • The first thing we will do is wash both the radishes and the carrots well. Remember that it will always be preferable to look for organically grown plants, fruits and vegetables.
  • Once clean, pass them through a blender to obtain the juice. Next, you will only have to combine them with the glass of water.

Easy, inexpensive and very medicinal.

6. Take care of the health of your skin

Both vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc and the B vitamins present in radishes will help us take care of the skin.

  • Likewise, the radish water (resulting from its cooking) also helps us to maintain the moisture levels of the dermis in good condition.
  • As a curiosity, we will tell you that there are those who apply raw radish as a facial cleanser. We cannot forget that many beauty industries use radishes to treat skin problems, given its disinfecting virtues.

7. They strengthen your immune system

As you can see, there are many reasons why radishes are essential in a healthy diet. However, one of the most important is its power to strengthen our immune system, according to this study from the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science. They are incredibly rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that support our defenses and the “health” of our white blood cells.

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