7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Nuts

Nuts are an excellent source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. The latter have beneficial anti-inflammatory properties for the cardiovascular system.

Nuts are so named because, unlike other fruits, they all have a composition of less than 50% water. They are considered one of the most complete and energetic foods from a nutritional point of view, since they are a source of essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

There are many varieties, standing out almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts. Until some time ago, some had the false belief that their consumption produced weight gain because they represent a significant caloric intake and contain fat.

However, it was proven that its benefits are more. In fact, they can be ideal to support diet plans to lose weight. This is because their lipids are healthy and help maintain muscle mass even in a catabolic state, according to an article published in the journal “Frontiers in Nutrition.”

As if that were not enough, they are rich in fiber and are recommended to curb that insatiable desire to eat more than you should.

As you can see, there are many reasons why everyone should eat them on a regular basis. In this space we reveal 7 of them so that you do not have a single doubt.

1. Nuts improve heart health

nuts improve heart health

The high concentration of essential fatty acids that nuts contain makes them one of the main dietary allies of cardiovascular health.

Its alpha-linoleic acid content reduces the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries.

In addition, its fibers and plant sterols decrease the lipids that are absorbed through the intestine. Thus, they facilitate their expulsion.

Thanks to its content of arginine, an essential amino acid, they keep blood vessels elastic and prevent high blood pressure.

2. They protect brain health

Pistachios and walnuts have a significant supply of essential amino acids and antioxidants that protect memory and brain health.

In addition, its content of folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A and E improve the function of the central nervous system, as evidenced by a study published in 2019. Thus, they can also help  reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

3. They are anti-inflammatory

walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties

The omega 3 fatty acids that nuts contain are related to the reduction and control of inflammatory processes in the body.

Therefore, the intake of these foods could be key in the prevention of some common and chronic disorders that occur with this symptom.

4. Improve digestive health

The main benefits of this food for digestive health are due to its content of dietary fiber. This improves the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. In addition, it  facilitates its movement for a correct elimination of waste.

5. Help prevent premature aging

nuts prevent premature aging

All varieties of nuts are recommended for skin health, given their high content of vitamin E.

This nutrient with antioxidant action helps stop cell damage caused by free radicals. Thus, it can contribute to the prevention of early wrinkles.

To this we add the action of its essential fatty acids and vitamin C. These contribute to maintaining natural oils and elasticity.

6. They can help you gain muscle mass

Nuts are a rich source of protein. Therefore, they are useful to cover the daily needs that are required during physical training.

7. Fight obesity

nuts help you lose weight

Overweight and obese patients obtain many benefits from the daily consumption of these foods. Its high intake of fiber and high-quality protein supports the function of metabolism to increase caloric expenditure and lose weight.

On the other hand, they help reduce appetite, thereby reducing the risk of eating unhealthy processed foods between meals.

Introduce nuts in your usual diet

As you have just seen, there are many reasons to enjoy this delicious food several times a week. You can eat them alone or added to your favorite recipes.

However, remember not to consume more than a handful of them a day. They are foods with a high caloric density, exceeding their consumption can unbalance your energy balance. Encuádlos within a varied diet to benefit from all its properties.

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