7 Symptoms That Your Body Is Not Well

When our body notices an imbalance it begins to send us signals through different routes so that we can remedy it as soon as possible, so we must pay attention

Physical and mental health is essential for a good quality of life. Many times through carelessness or fear of going to the doctor, we miss symptoms or warnings that tell us that your body is not well.

The dangerous thing is that it may be that, when we decide to consult a specialist, it is too late to treat the problem.  In one way or another, when your body is not well, it reacts to send us signs or symptoms that warn us of it.

For this reason, it is good that we know some symptoms that indicate that your body is not well.

7 symptoms that your body is not well at all

1. Weight changes

Weight change when your body is not well

Many people are constantly dieting or exercising to lose or maintain weight. If this is not your case and lately you have been losing or increasing your weight for no apparent reason, you have to pay attention to that.

Also, if you have lost too much weight without planning it, it can be a sign that your body is not well. It may be some hormonal imbalance that is affecting your health, so it would be good to consider a visit to the doctor.

2. Changes in urine

Through urine most of the toxins are eliminated from our body, so some changes can say a lot about the functioning of the body. If your urine has stopped having the normal color or smell, it is recommended that you go to the doctor

In case you don’t know, your urine should be light yellow in color, with a moderate odor. Don’t wait too long if you notice any change in your urine. It is important to drink plenty of water and if the problem persists, see a doctor as soon as possible.

In fact, most kidney problems can be avoided with small changes  in diet and habits.

However, if we ignore or minimize the symptoms, minor problems such as lithiasis  can turn into major problems such as kidney stones.

3. Changes in stool

when your body is not well

Stool is the waste of our body and  we must be aware of the color, texture and frequency. Any change in your stool can be a sign that your body is not okay with physiological processes.

The well-being of the intestine is essential, so we should not take the quality and frequency of our bowel movements for granted. After all, the elimination processes are key to good health.

4. Changes in physical appearance

There are skin changes that we ignore because they may seem like cosmetic issues. This organ protects us from any external agent, but in addition, it can alert us to any condition of internal origin.

If you notice any change in the appearance of your skin such as dryness, spots, redness, rashes, itching, allergies, eczema, etc., you must relate that symptom to its real cause.

You should also take into account the appearance of your nails, hair and lips. Any abnormal symptom can be an alarm of an excess or deficit of nutrients, vitamins or minerals or of some hormonal imbalance.

 5. General malaise

If you feel body aches, headaches, digestive problems such as diarrhea or nausea, without a justifying cause, you should go to a specialist.

In fact, suffering from constant dizziness and severe headaches can be indicative of neurological problems.

6. Heaviness or difficulty resting

If lately you feel tired, weak and wake up more tired than you were in bed, you should visit a doctor.

Some major problems, such as depression, chronic fatigue, and anemia, may be masked by what you think is natural tiredness.

7. Healing problems

Healing problems when your body is not well

The skin is an organ with a powerful regenerative capacity. For this reason, when making a small wound or hurting ourselves, the healing time must be fast. If you take too long, it is a sign that something is wrong with your defenses, clotting, etc.

The most important thing is to know our body and learn to read the symptoms that indicate when something is not working properly.

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