7 Tricks To Clean Oven Trays

Cleaning your oven trays doesn’t have to be a long, time-consuming and troublesome task. There are some practical and simple tricks that will greatly facilitate this task and that will translate into more and better quality time to share and enjoy with family and friends.

Next, we will look at some of the most effective tricks for cleaning oven trays.

Effective tricks to clean oven trays

1 vinegar and baking soda

Jars with vinegar and baking soda

Bicarbonate is one of the most used products for different domestic and personal uses. In this case, the vinegar and the baking soda are, together, extremely effective to clean the oven trays quickly and without major complications.

To get a good result, you should make a paste by adding 10 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of hot water to a bowl. It is important to add the vinegar little by little to avoid creating a lot of foam. The consistency should be creamy, if necessary more bicarbonate will be added .

Pasta is placed in the oven, especially on trays and areas where it is dirtiest. It is left to act for several hours and then the paste is removed with the help of a sponge and spray water.

2.Hot water

Another option to clean the oven trays is to remove them and remove the excess fat with a blotting paper. Then  place in the dishwasher or in a large container plenty of boiling water with a little detergent,  insert the tray and leave it to soak for one or two hours.

After the previous time, wash carefully with a sponge or cloth and dry before putting it back in the oven to finish cleaning.

3.Cleaning glass trays

Glass oven trays are usually one of the most complicated to keep clean and neat, especially since they often burn.

To be able to clean them effectively , an old toothbrush should be soaked in soapy water and a pinch of baking soda. This same paste should also be applied on the tray and with the brush make circular movements to remove the fat.

After the action of the toothbrush, leave the baking soda to act for 30 minutes. Finally, with the help of aluminum foil, remove all the excess and proceed to wash as usual.


Lemon and scourers

Lemon is not only effective at removing grease from trays, but also at removing odors that build up in the oven. To do this , add water to the oven tray, the juice of a lemon and its peel. Turn on the oven and leave for 20 or 30 minutes and then remove the tray and wash it as usual.


Vinegar is one of the most used products for different household tasks. It is a powerful disinfectant that helps keep surfaces cleaner and free of grease.

For this trick, three parts of water and one part of vinegar must be placed in a spray bottle. Spread the water on the walls and oven tray, leave it to act for several minutes and then clean with the help of a sponge.

6.Aluminum paper

A practical and quick way to keep the baking tray always clean is to cover it with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Of course, it is important to take into consideration that aluminum foil could slightly affect the taste of certain foods, such as tomatoes.

For all the above , this trick is especially recommended when cooking foods that release a lot of fat that is later difficult to remove.

7.Hydrogen peroxide and bicarbonate


Another highly effective way to clean oven trays is to cover them with a layer of baking soda, on top of it another layer of hydrogen peroxide, and finally another layer of baking soda.

Leave this mixture to act for approximately two hours and then clean with circular movements with the help of a soft brush or sponge. Rinse with soap and water, dry very well and that’s it.

With these seven tricks it is very easy to clean the oven trays without this task becoming a real headache. In addition, in most cases the ingredients to use are usually found at home, so, in addition to being simple, this trick is practical and helps the economy.

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