8 Uses You Didn’t Know For Banana Peel

The banana it is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. Its high contribution of phosphorus and its rich flavor make it ideal to supplement the diet. But, did you know that the banana peel can also be useful?  

If you are one of those who throw away the banana peel, you may want to reconsider this habit. Like your inside, banana peel is rich in vitamin C and fiber .

In fact, the greatest amount of fiber in a piece of banana is not in the pulp, but in the peel. Here are the best uses for the peel of this fruit.

1. Acts against constipation

You surely know that a high fiber intake will facilitate the digestive transit. But sometimes, daily habits and the rhythm of life prevent us from having a balanced diet. For this reason, it is not unusual to frequently suffer from constipation .

Luckily, banana peel is a very effective remedy. By containing a large dose of dietary fiber, it will force your stomach to work properly, according to this study carried out by the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin University Provincial Hospital.

Since we are not used to consuming banana peel, doing so can be difficult. Especially for its flavor. To facilitate its consumption you can make a banana smoothie in which you add a piece of the peel.

2. Helps lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure

Regulates blood pressure

We already know that the LDL cholesterol or bad affects our veins and arteries. Therefore, a diet low in salts and high in phosphorus is ideal to keep it under control.

Many people choose to consume bananas to improve or level their LDL cholesterol. But did you know that most of the phosphorus contained in the banana is in its peel ?

As with LDL cholesterol, the phosphorus that banana peel contains significantly reduces the levels of high blood pressure, according to this study by Ain Shams University. So, you know, add a piece of banana peel to your diet.

3. In a good mood with a banana


You sure have heard that banana is rich in tryptophan , an amino acid that improves our mood. Tryptophan is a chemical that promotes the production of serotonin, as stated in this study from the University of Alicante.

When this hormone is produced at optimal levels it helps us feel more cheerful and excited.

On the other hand, when it is not produced in the correct measure, you can fall into depressive states . So, you know, try to consume the banana peel as we have indicated in the first  section , which contains more of the same chemicals than the banana.

4. Prevents and removes warts


The warts They are small bumps that appear on the skin. Some are symptoms of illness, while others come out without cause. The truth is that many people feel bad about having them.

It is believed that the banana skin could eliminate them, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

5. It can help you with some grain


Wooden furniture is difficult to clean. Sometimes we think that we only have the option of using chemicals, but we do not know if they are really environmentally friendly. Forget about these worries with the banana peel.

You only have to  rub this peel on the furniture you want to polish . Then wipe off the residue with a damp cotton cloth. It is important that this cloth is not wet and that it is free of any kind of chemicals.

This study conducted by the University of Alexandria emphasizes its ability to remove oil stains; in the same way, its already mentioned antifungal capacity makes it a highly recommended home alternative.

7. Shine your shoes

The same effect that the banana peel has on wooden furniture can be used for your shoes. The procedure is exactly the same: You take a piece of banana peel and rub it directly on the shoe.

Even If your shoes are slightly damaged, you will see that their appearance improves . This is due to the natural oils in the banana peel. You should also make sure to wipe with a slightly damp or dry cloth to remove any residue.

8. Natural repellent

Do you have aphid problems in your garden? Before using chemicals that can affect your plants and beneficial fauna, try the peel of banana .  Again, its antimicrobial capacity can help us take care of our garden.

You only need cut the peel into small pieces and bury it under the plants that have the problem and in a few days they disappear completely .

We are sure that with these ideas to use the banana peel they will be very useful to have a more natural life. At the same time, you will take full advantage of the banana.  

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