Healthy Ways To Consume Lemon

If you are trying to lose weight, it is best to see a dietitian who makes a personalized nutritional plan and combine it with regular physical exercise.

Do you know the benefits of consuming lemon? Lemon is one of the most consumed fruits, either directly, in soft drinks, or as a condiment in the kitchen. Lemons are rich in citric acid, vitamin C, and polyphenols, which confer various health benefits, such as a lipid-lowering effect.

In this article, we explain several ways to consume lemon so that you can take advantage of all its benefits. But, first of all remember that, although its consumption is considered safe, side effects may arise from excessive or continued consumption.

In addition, in the case of suffering any medical condition, it is essential to consult your doctor before starting to take it.

How to consume lemon?

oil and lemon elle_ann

We will prepare a simple drink with the following ingredients:

  • The juice of two lemons
  • One tablespoon of pure liquid stevia
  • A pinch of ginger
  • A liter of water

According to some research, a lemon a day, along with some exercise like going for a walk, can help improve blood pressure.

4. Air freshener with lemon oil

Lemon essential oil has been investigated for its supposed sedative, anxiolytic, and antidepressant effects. In general, all citrus fruits help improve mood, so we can use it in an air freshener in rooms where we spend more hours or where we work.

5. The frozen lemon

Another good way to consume lemon is to freeze it and grate a little of the pulp and skin to flavor foods.

6. With skin included

candied lemon Chiot's run

If we get organic lemons we can even consume their skin, which is even more beneficial than the pulp, boiling it to make an infusion or grating it and adding it to the following dishes:

  • In cakes, biscuits and cookies : mixing them with the dough or as decoration
  • Candied, cut into strips, sweetened with cane sugar and dehydrated
  • In vinaigrettes and all kinds of sauces or to flavor oils

7. Syrup to raise the defenses

We will boil the skin with honey or sugar until it reduces by half. We will keep this syrup in the fridge and we can use it both for the kitchen as a syrup for children and adults to raise the defenses and prevent diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

8. Original and healthy cubes

To give the cubes an original touch and surprise our guests: add the fresh lemon zest and a fresh mint leaf to the water in the ice bucket.

To conclude, we want to point out that, despite all the nutritional benefits mentioned, it is not advisable to base the diet solely on this food. The ideal is to maintain a balanced diet and, when in doubt, consult your doctor before making drastic changes.

Do not forget that, if you are trying to lose weight, it is best to go to a dietician who makes a personalized nutritional plan and combine it with regular physical exercise. Also, to lose weight you should burn more calories than you eat.

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