Affective Deficiencies Affect Children’s Development

Affective deficiencies cause many problems in children, although many of them do not manifest themselves until adulthood. It is then that we begin to encounter difficulties that we cannot solve.

Among these problems are those that understand interpersonal relationships that lead us down the path of bitterness by not knowing how to solve them. Everything comes from behind, from our childhood.

Affective deficiencies that hurt

Among the affective deficiencies are unstable and traumatic family situations, abuse, lack of care, etc. As we can see, in all this there is a neglect towards the child who suffers and lives all this in a very profound way.

Why do we allow it? Don’t parents realize that all this can affect them in the future? The truth is that parents believe that the little ones are not aware of what is really happening and are “calm” about it.

However, the reality is completely different. The smallest of the house are very receptive and awake to the multiple negative stimuli to which they are exposed during childhood. All this will condition your day tomorrow.

It is here when, over the years, problems of emotional dependence, fear of loneliness and various difficulties in maintaining healthy relationships with other people arise. What one day the elders thought would not affect them has already done it in a big way.

Symptoms of affective deficiencies

Although it is true that difficulties become more acute when we are adults, many can be detected in childhood if we are sufficiently observant. Of course, you have to be alert and pay attention, because some are intermittent.

If affective deficiencies are managed in childhood, the result will be very positive. However, if we do nothing, when children are adults they will encounter a multitude of barriers.

Among the symptoms of affective deficiencies in children, as evidenced by this article published in Center London magazine , the following can be found:

  • Impulse control problems.
  • Sudden changes in behavior.
  • General distrust of others.
  • Aggressive responses.
  • Poor development of language and social skills.
  • Attention deficit.
  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Difficulties expressing feelings and problems modulating them.

Many of these symptoms can carry over into adulthood and, in many cases, in a more painful and worrying way. In this sense, we are in an advanced stage of the problem that will not be easy to solve.

Impaired children’s development

As we have seen, it not only affects their emotions and the ability to convey their feelings, but children are affected by their development. This causes serious setbacks in their learning from a very young age.

Stress and anxiety, so strange in these early stages of life, are one of the most striking symptoms and that we should not miss, as this work carried out by researchers from the University of Cuenca, Ecuador points out. They are not common characteristics in an age of greater enjoyment and relaxation with respect to the concerns that adults do have.

But does all this arise in extreme circumstances? The truth is that it is not necessary to encounter situations of abuse, abandonment or divorce for children to develop this type of emotional deficiency.

The importance of education

A poor quality education can also cause a deterioration in the development of children and possible future difficulties that will affect them significantly. An example of this poor education is the number of hours a child can spend in front of the television.

The work of parents and the little desire they have to endure their tantrums causes them to use certain wildcards such as, for example, the computer, mobile phones and tablets , video games … Children do not enjoy, they do not go out, they do not interact with others ; there is only one screen that stuns them and they.

Every child needs rules and care that prepare them to be good people tomorrow, responsible and with values. If we neglect what they need out of laziness, affective deficiencies will make an appearance.

In this sense, as this research published in the magazine Reason and Word shows , communication in the family is essential to prevent affective deficiencies.

Parents have a great responsibility when they bring a child into the world. No one should have the luxury of throwing all this responsibility away and then complaining about the attitude of their children.

Education and worrying about what happens to them and how they live situations will be essential to prevent emotional deficiencies from making life difficult. It is a vital responsibility.

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