Almond And Avocado Milk Shake To Start The Day

With this almond and avocado milk shake you are going to start the day in the best way.  You will have a supply of nutrients and energy necessary for your brain to “activate” and concentrate.

Although coffee for breakfast provides energy, caffeine and its antioxidants have a relatively short-lived effect. Instead, this avocado almond milk shake  will make you feel full and vital  to face the day that has just begun.

While the caloric intake of this shake may be a concern, it is important to know that it provides heart-healthy fats and that it also avoids unhealthy snacks between meals.

Its benefits are multiple and its flavor is delicious. Here we explain everything it can do for you and how to prepare it.

Also read 13 healthy breakfast options

Almond milk and avocado, a combination full of vitality

The best time to have this Avocado Almond Milk Shake is in the morning. In case of doing it at midnight or in the afternoon it can be too “energetic”. However, each person can assess their personal needs.

Also, another aspect that should be taken into account is that almond milk should not contain sugar. You can find interesting options in health food stores and even prepare it at home.

Learn How to make almond milk at home

Here are the main benefits of the two ingredients in the shake.

Almonds, source of health

  • Almonds help prevent cardiovascular diseases. It is enough to eat 5 or 6 almonds per day to benefit from its monounsaturated fatty acids and flavonoids.
  • Almonds are also rich in arginine, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium and potassium, which help reduce bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • Also, they are considered as one of the best foods for the brain. Its components  improve neurological activity and help prevent cognitive decline.
  • Monounsaturated fats help regulate the release of glucose into the blood.

Avocado, health for the heart

  • If we consume avocado in moderation and in a balanced way, our hearts will appreciate it.
  • Its main benefit is in the vegetable oils of the green pulp, capable of reducing inflammation and reducing bad cholesterol.
  • Avocado fats are monounsaturated, like olive oil or almonds. These fats are necessary for health and we should not do without them.
  • Avocados are also an excellent source of folic acid that prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Avocado Almond Milk Smoothie Recipe

We are going to offer you two delicious options. The first recipe is lighter and may be suitable for weight loss, because it will make you feel full until mealtime.

The second option with chocolate is for the mornings when you want something different, with more body and flavor.

almond milk shake

Option 1: Avocado and almond milk

For this first proposal, you can get organic unsweetened almond milk. If not, you can prepare it at home. Also, you can include fresh almond milk to make a refreshing smoothie.


  • 1 glass of almond milk (200 ml)
  • ½ avocado


  1. Simply add the half avocado in the blender and then pour the glass of the almond milk.
  2. Beat well until you see that the avocado has been homogenized with the almond drink.

Option 2: Avocado and almond milk with dark chocolate

In this recipe unsweetened dark chocolate is added, a beneficial food for the brain, in addition to its delicious taste.


  • 1 glass of almond milk (200 ml)
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered dark chocolate (5 g)


  • Place the half avocado, the glass of almond milk, and the teaspoon of powdered chocolate in the blender.
  • Beat well and enjoy this tasty almond milk shake.

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