Are Your Fingers Swollen? For What Is This?

It sure has happened to you sometime. You suddenly notice pressure on your fingers and slight swelling. Your fingers swell, so much so that you can’t even remove your rings. Sometimes it happens while we are walking, or in the middle of the afternoon.

For what is this? The causes that originate this classic swelling in the fingers are very varied. In general, swelling in any part of the body is due to a buildup of fluid.

In addition, the fingers are an area where overwork is very common. The cause of this accumulation of fluids may be due to poor circulation. Signs of this type of edema include swelling of the hands, feet, or face. This type is temporary and goes away without treatment.

However, sometimes it is also a symptom of other diseases that we can prevent if we are aware of its symptoms, so it is convenient to carry out frequent medical check-ups to detect the root of the problem.

Why do fingers swell

Why do fingers swell

Reducing salt should be a basic guideline if your fingers swell. In this way, our body could improve fluid retention and circulation. Salt causes thirst and an increased intake of fluids that are then retained in the intravascular compartment, leading to an increase in total blood volume.

Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate it from the diet or replace it with some herbs to enhance the flavor of the food. In addition, if we follow a diet rich in fiber, with foods such as fruits and vegetables, we will notice a big difference. We should also eliminate industrial greases and additives.

4. Compression gloves

If your fingers swell regularly, you should follow this advice. You can resort to understanding gloves, which are sold in pharmacies. These gloves are very useful in these cases. They exert adequate pressure on hands and fingers. In this way they release excess fluid.

Although these foods and techniques could help improve swelling in your fingers, it is best to see your doctor and discuss the problem, as it can be a symptom of more serious conditions.

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