Banana Tiramisu

Banana tiramisu is a delicious dessert from Italian cuisine. What gives it that special touch is that, although the mascarpone base is the same, the variety of ingredients with which they can be prepared gives it a special flavor.

Here we bring you the recipe to serve in individual glasses, so pay close attention.

Recipe to make a delicious banana tiramisu



  • 100 mg of mascarpone
  • 1 egg
  • 30g sugar
  • 150 g of sponge cake
  • 1 banana
  • 1 glass of milk with colacao (cocoa powder)
  • Chocolate chips

How do we prepare it?


  • Cut the cake into slices the size of the glass. Use the mouth of one of the glasses to take the measurement.
  • We heat the milk a little with colacao. There is no need for it to come to a boil. We bathe the cakes with it and place them well at the bottom of the glasses.
  • Then, we cut the banana into thin slices and put them on the cake in each of the glasses.
  • We separate the whites from the egg yolks and reserve in separate deep bowls.
  • We take the whites and we mount them to the point of snow,  beat generously until you have a foamy and compact result, without liquid.
  • In the other bowl,  stir the sugar with the yolks, until both ingredients are well incorporated and there is not a single sugar crystal left.
  • Then add the mascarpone.
  • Stir until well blended and slowly add the egg whites until stiff .
  • You can help yourself with a spoon or fork and stir slowly until you get a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  • Next, add it to the glass, being careful not to spill it or leave drops on the edges.
  • Try not to fill it too much; the idea is that you can make multiple layers. Three are normally used.
  • Repeat the process taking into account the order of the ingredients : cake bathed in milk with colacao, banana slices, mix.
  • The final layer should be the banana so that it stands out and remains as a decoration.
  • Then, you can proceed to decorate by putting the chocolate chips on the surface of the mixture.
  • You can also add cocoa or cinnamon powder. It can also be fruit syrup for flavor.
  • Take it to the fridge so that it takes a good consistency. Don’t put it in the freezer: we want it to cool, not freeze.

Additional tips

Banana tiramisu

  • In case you don’t like the taste of raw egg, you can skip it, although the original recipe includes it.
  • If you want to highlight the flavor of the banana even more, you can blend half with the milk. It will give it a thicker texture, but it will be very tasty.
  • We recommend using wide glasses, the ones that do not have much difference between the mouth and the bottom. This will give you the opportunity to pour a greater amount of content.
  • We use prepared sponge cake for this recipe, the kind you can get in the supermarket. If you decide to do it yourself it is fine, but keep in mind that you must prepare it first.
  • Make sure that the banana is well ripe, but without damaging it. In this way it will be very sweet, soft and will give a good flavor, as well as texture to our dessert.
  • To decorate the glass you can use a little liquid chocolate and put it on the inner edges of the glass before you start serving the banana tiramisu.

You already have a delicious banana tiramisu, a dessert to enjoy and share with your family and friends.

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