Blue Tea To Lose Weight Naturally

Going to blue tea for weight loss is definitely gaining popularity. Also known as Oolong or black dragon tea, it is a variety that has been the subject of countless studies showing that it does indeed help us lose weight naturally.

Its flavor is a mixture of sensations between green and red tea. Without a doubt, a delight for the senses and for your health, that you should not miss the opportunity to try.

Blue tea has an excellent reputation among connoisseurs. It has a fine line and a pleasant flavor, with incredible properties that make it unique and exceptional. It is also a variety that is becoming more and more known, and that it will be easy to find, both in shops and in natural stores.

It comes from the highlands of Taiwan and China, where it has always had a long tradition as a slimming drink; For this reason, it is considered a healthy and natural way to lose weight little by little. We tell you everything about it.

Properties of Blue tea


Regular consumption of blue tea can provide us with the following properties:

  • It can be a good supplement to lose weight. Its ability to increase metabolism is superior to other varieties of tea, so it allows us to burn fat naturally.
  • Accelerates liver metabolism, and also reduces cholesterol.
  • It is a great antioxidant.
  • Prevents and improves fatty liver.
  • It has good qualities to increase the body’s defenses and could even help prevent various types of cancer.
  • It takes care of the cardiovascular system, cleans arteries and improves circulation.  

Can you use blue tea for weight loss?

The most recent study comes from the  University of Colorado, in the United States;  it was published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders; Of course, various international media were in charge of distributing the news. S and he claimed that blue tea prevents and helps fight both obesity and fatty liver.

Also, blue tea can help us lose weight due to its high content of antioxidants, they are higher than green tea.

Why is it good for burning fat?

Those who led these investigations maintain that, thanks to its adequate concentration of caffeine, blue tea stimulates the body to burn calories ; In addition, it acts as a diuretic to eliminate fluids.

On the other hand, its dose of catechins, which are excellent antioxidants, increase metabolism and the levels of oxidation and thermogenesis.  The result is a significant fat burning effect.

Lastly, its polyphenols help us prevent type I diabetes. They also influence glucose metabolism in a very positive way.

How to prepare and drink blue tea to lose weight?



The way to prepare tea is an art; and we must know how to understand each variety in order to take advantage of its benefits. Blue tea has specific rules that we are going to explain to you:

  • Add a teaspoon of blue tea leaves for every cup of water.
  • Use mineral water.
  • If possible, use a non-metal kettle, as this material takes away many of the properties of teas and infusions. The most beneficial are those of clay or earth, as they use in the East.
  • To prepare a good blue tea, the water must be very hot, between 90 and 100 degrees Celsius. Once you have added the leaves and the water has boiled, let it rest for only three minutes. It is important that only that time passes because this variety of tea oxidizes quickly.

How should I take it?

Ideally, you should consume it an hour before the main meals, or an hour after. You must remember that tea contains tannins, so it prevents a good absorption of iron if we take it immediately after eating.

You can take it twice a day. The important thing is that you are constant, take it every day. Don’t add sugar; If you want to sweeten it, use a teaspoon of honey or a little stevia.

Where can I find blue tea?

blue tea

Blue tea is becoming increasingly popular, so if you can’t find it in the usual infusion section of your supermarket, you can look for it in natural stores. It is common for them to be sold in these establishments, since they are in high demand by consumers, both for weight loss and to treat diabetes.

It is known as Blue Tea, Oolong Tea or black dragon. Its price is not usually very high and it always offers us great results.

Undoubtedly, blue tea is an option that deserves to be considered and will help us lose weight, but if you have an obesity problem and do not see the results, you should go to a doctor to consider what other changes you should include in your diet.

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