Can You Lose Weight With Ginger Root?

The desire to keep our weight under control does not only respond to the interest in looking better, but it is a very important factor in maintaining good physical condition and health. It is important to lead an active life, exercise regularly, and maintain a balanced diet. According to popular wisdom, an ingredient that could help us avoid being overweight is ginger root, but what is true in this statement?

The use of ginger root in medicine is not new. In fact, Galen, one of the fathers of this discipline, was already using it in different treatments; and it has been highly prized for centuries in Asia for its healing properties.

Although it can be consumed in many ways, either in candy or as an ingredient in prepared meals, ginger root tea is also a very popular, if somewhat milder, way to consume this root. Next you will learn how to prepare it and what are the properties attributed to it.

How to prepare ginger root tea?

Ginger, lemon and honey tea

Preparing this delicious infusion is very simple, all you need is a little ginger and boiling water. If you wish, you can also add some type of sweetener; in that case, we recommend using one of natural origin, such as honey.


  1. Bring three cups of water to a boil.
  2. Wash and drain about 90 grams of ginger root.
  3. Peel the ginger ; and later, cut them into small pieces.
  4. Place the ginger in a teapot or other similar container with a lid.
  5. Add the boiling water and let the mixture rest, covered, for approximately 10 minutes.
  6. Strain and serve the ginger root tea.

Ginger root tea in the body

This tea would promote weight control and loss in different ways. Some research, for example, suggests that ginger root may reduce inflammation and promote glucose sensitivity, factors that play a role in weight loss.

In addition, it is also thought that  this root would intervene in the increase of serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that, among other functions, intervenes in the control of appetite, so its consumption would cause us a feeling of satiety that would prevent us from continuing to eat.

On the other hand, it would also be useful for this purpose due to its digestive properties. Thus, it is believed that the compounds in ginger root would stimulate the production of gastric juices, strengthening the intestinal muscles and increasing muscle contractions in the stomach, which would help food move through the body more easily.

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According to a 2019 study, this would not only reduce the discomfort associated with indigestion, but it would also promote better absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste from the body, which would prevent weight gain.

Finally, a pilot study concluded that two components present in ginger root, gingerol and shogaol, would improve metabolism, by stimulating increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Thus, as during exercise, the consumption of ginger root would increase body heat and burn calories, which would facilitate weight loss.

Lose Weight Naturally With Ginger Root

Consuming this root, either in tea or in any other presentation, could become a healthy way to lose weight. As with all food and natural remedies, it is necessary to be careful when consuming it: it is not recommended during the pregnancy and lactation processes, or in people with blood clotting problems.

In addition, if you are under any pharmacological treatment, it is advisable to consult your doctor. It should not be ignored that this spice can have interactions with some medications, either enhancing or cutting off its effect.

Beyond these observations, incorporating this root into your diet can achieve amazing results, as  long as you also maintain a regular exercise routine.

Likewise, it must be supplemented with a healthy diet, because by itself it does not have miraculous effects to help you lose weight. The key is to include it as part of a healthy, calorie-controlled diet. Remember: consult with your doctor to receive the best nutritional recommendations and to inquire about incorporating ginger root into your diet.

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