Discover The 6 Bad Habits That Prevent You From Resting Well

Resting well is essential so that our health does not suffer, in addition to so that our body carries out the necessary purification processes during sleep hours

Good rest is essential for human beings, since its practice has a direct influence on physical and mental health.

Although most ignore it, just during rest hours the body activates functions that allow the brain to cleanse and renew physical energies.

Why is it important to rest well?

It is estimated that a person cannot spend more than 48 hours awake without generating a series of negative reactions in their body.

At least 7 hours should be slept in a row without interruptions, although it is most recommended that they be 8 and no more than 10.

The problem is that, due to the modern lifestyle, thousands of people have reduced their rest time and have played down a lot of importance.

As a consequence, the feeling of fatigue has increased. In addition, difficulties in achieving concentration and other disorders that affect quality of life have also increased.

The most worrying thing for experts in the field is that many of the habits that are practiced in the hours before going to sleep are the direct cause of the problems to get a restful sleep.

Next we want to share the most common ones so you can try to avoid them.

1. Inappropriate dinners

dinners that prevent a good rest

There are certain foods that can affect the quality of sleep when eaten at dinner time.  For example, fatty foods affect the acidity in the stomach. Thus, they  can cause acid reflux after going to bed.

Red meat and sugars are also not recommended because they overload the digestive processes and cause discomfort.

On the other hand, it should be taken into account that it is best to eat dinner two or three hours before going to sleep. In addition, as we have said, we must ensure that it is based on easily digestible foods.

2. Ingest caffeine

People who consume caffeinated foods or drinks excessively tend to have more sleep disturbances than those who moderate it.

This substance is stimulating and activates functions in the brain that keep you alert for longer.

In addition, it influences the interruption of sleep in the middle of the night and the feeling of anxiety. This can prevent you from reconciling it at regular hours.

Experts advise against ingesting it after noon, especially when you have a history of insomnia.

3. Excessive use of electronic devices

use of electronic devices in bed

Technology has made life easier for us. However, it has also become one of the main thieves of the dream.

The presence of cell phones, computers, televisions and other electronic elements in the room can stimulate the brain and cause it to lose its ability to relax.

It is very important to reduce the use of these devices. In fact, if possible, it would be ideal to  suspend it at least an hour or two before going to sleep.

Instead of these you can choose to read, meditate or carry out other therapy that facilitates falling asleep.

4. Practice physical activity before bed

Exercising or any physical activity is essential to avoid diseases and enjoy a good quality of life.

However, its practice should be avoided in the hours before going to sleep, since the body will be activated and it will be difficult to fall asleep.

If possible, it should be done in the morning hours, or at least three hours before resting.

5. Using inappropriate pillows and mattresses

inappropriate pillow

Both pillows and mattresses on the bed are essential to relax the body and rest the right time.

The pillows should cover the gap between the mattress and the shoulder. Thus, the spine is aligned during the sleep period.

When these raise the head and shoulders too much,  the risk of muscular tension increases and the body does not reach rest.

Mattresses should be changed every 10 years, since little by little they lose their shape and their quality deteriorates.

6. Being in an inappropriate environment

Light and noise are two factors that prevent a good rest. The light stimulates the brain and prevents the necessary amount of melatonin from being secreted. This is also known as the sleep hormone.

Therefore, it is essential to keep the room dark, free from street lighting, the moon or electronic devices.

It is also advisable to remove the clocks, because their continuous ticking can negatively affect sleep.

As you just noticed, although some habits seem harmless, they are actually an impediment to getting enough rest. Try to take measures in this regard and avoid them as much as possible so that they do not affect you.

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