Do You Suffer From Headaches? These 10 Foods May Be The Cause

Did you know that both salt and refined flours can promote headaches? Salt causes fluid retention that leads to inflammation and flours contain gluten

Headaches are a common symptom of various illnesses. However, they can also be derived from factors such as stress, excessive use of electronic devices or some foods.

Knowing this and considering that we are all at risk of suffering them, it is essential to know what are the foods that can cause them. In this way it will be easier to avoid them, especially when we are going through situations that can also cause them. What are those foods?

Diet and headaches

Diet is one of the causes that is drawing the most attention in relation to headaches. It is estimated that around 30% of migraines have some kind of relationship with food and drinks that alter the functions of the body.

Although more research is needed to verify the link between diet and this symptom, many experts have pointed to certain foods as possible influencers in its appearance. Its frequent consumption, added to situations of stress and hormonal changes, are one of the reasons why the rate of affected reaches 80% of the population.

10 foods that can cause headaches

1. Cheeses

Cheese can cause headaches

If the headaches affect you several times a week, it is best to put aside the hard and overly fermented cheeses. Although it is not bad to eat them from time to time, it is better to try not to ingest them so that they do not lead to having this symptom.

The reason they produce this negative reaction in the body is because of their high concentration of biogenic amines. That is, some nitrogenous substances.

2. Chocolate

You like chocolate? Surely they have told you that bitter is healthier. Well, well, dark chocolate is a healthy food that, in moderate portions, is good for the brain and the skin.

However, given its high fat content, its consumption may be inappropriate for those who have frequent headaches. This is because they concentrate a substance known as tyramine, which in the body has a vasoactive action.

3. Cola drinks


Cola drinks not only increase the risk of obesity and bone problems. Also, they are a potential cause of headaches. Does it surprise you?

Its content of an alkaloid called phenylethylamine acts on the brain favoring this condition. Therefore, if you are a regular consumer of these drinks, keep that in mind.

4. Sausages and cold cuts

Stuffed meats, cold cuts and other foods of industrial origin often contain nitrates and nitrites. These substances allow them to stay fresh and attractive.

However, nitrates and nitrites have also been linked to increased headaches and discomfort in the brain. In fact, it has been proven that after subjecting them to high temperatures, they can be potentially carcinogenic.

5. Flours


Refined flours and other foods that contain gluten influence the recurrence of migraines. This happens due to its inflammatory compounds.

These should be avoided as much as possible and, instead, choose those that come from gluten-free cereals (rice, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.) or those that are whole and of quality (spelled, rye, etc.).

6. Ice cream

A delicious and sweet ice cream causes a feeling of well-being by stimulating the neurotransmitters that cause happiness. However, it can have opposite effects, especially for those with migraines and severe headaches.

As they contain fat and are cold, they act on the nervous system to lead to pain. This happens because they exert a vasoconstrictor and vasodilator action that acts on the brain.

7. Canned figs

Canned figs may seem like a healthy food. However, they are not the most appropriate for those who suffer from headaches.

Its tyramine content stimulates the blood vessels of the brain and increases the chances of suffering from this symptom. This substance appears in some foods with a long shelf life or fermentation.

8. Salt


Foods with large amounts of salt are not only bad for blood pressure. They also lead to more headaches and migraines.

This occurs because they cause fluid retention in the body’s tissues. And this disorder  causes an imbalance in the inflammatory processes of the body.

9. Chinese food

Chinese food is delicious for many people and is usually perfect for many special occasions. However, if you are a patient with recurrent migraines or headaches, it is best to avoid them.

It increases the stress on the head because it contains monosodium glutamate and spices. These ingredients cause dilation of the taste buds and increase the brain activity that causes the ailment.

10. Canned fish

Canned fish

Canned fish have a high concentration of biogenic amines such as histamine and phenylethylamine. Its excess in the body can cause headaches.

As we said at the beginning, this symptom can originate from multiple causes. However, it is advisable to avoid all these foods as much as possible to reduce the risk.

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