Do You Want To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Hair? Include These 8 Foods In Your Diet

To stimulate hair growth we must consume foods that, in addition to providing benefits in this regard, also help us to reduce breakage and weakness

Most women are concerned about having healthy, strong and abundant hair, as they consider this to be one of their physical attractions. They tend to try many treatments but forget the importance of diet.

This time we want to reveal the 8 best foods so that you start consuming them more regularly and can enhance your hair growth with them. Discover them!

Foods to accelerate your hair growth

Many people subject their hair to the elements of heat, chemical treatments and other bad habits that affect its quality and beauty. On the other hand, they ignore that stress, poor diet and hormonal changes can cause alterations, almost always causing excess falls.

This problem is one of the most common and, unfortunately, it is usually quite difficult to control. Especially when its possible cause is unknown.

Due to this, it is essential to improve all the care within the beauty routine and, as a complement, adopt a diet that provides all the nutrients it requires. In addition, it is convenient to increase the consumption of some foods that, due to their properties, give it extra benefits to enhance its growth.

1. Salmon


Salmon is one of the most complete foods to promote health and healthy hair growth. First of all, it contains vitamin D which, in addition to giving you strength, stops excessive hair loss and reduces excess dryness.

It also contains omega 3, a type of healthy fat that promotes circulation to the scalp to keep your mane strong and full. This nutrient fights inflammation, reduces hair loss and, among other things, is one of the most recommended for promoting cardiovascular and cognitive health.

2. Yellow peppers

With a high content of vitamin C, even five times more than citrus fruits, yellow peppers are excellent food alternatives to promote hair health:

  • This antioxidant nutrient helps to increase the strength of the hair follicles, thus significantly reducing the problem of hair loss.
  • In addition, it helps maintain the correct levels of collagen, a substance that gives strength and shine to the entire mane.

3. Bananas


The daily consumption of a banana can provide many benefits to the health of your hair. Do you dare to try this simple habit to see its results on your hair?

This food is rich in potassium, an essential mineral that helps transform amino acids into proteins to help in the formation of keratin.  In addition, it is rich in vitamins and antioxidant substances that promote healthy and fast hair growth.

4. Oysters

It is proven that zinc deficiency is related to the main problems of the scalp and excessive hair loss. Fortunately, foods such as oysters provide significant amounts of this mineral, helping to counteract these types of effects.

  • It is estimated that just three ounces (85 g) of oysters provide up to five times the recommended amount of this mineral.

5. Eggs


Eggs are very healthy for your hair for a number of reasons. First of all, it should be noted that they contain biotin, a natural supplement that strengthens and accelerates hair growth.

  • They also provide several essential amino acids, recommended to combat dryness, hair loss and other common hair problems.
  • They contain minimal doses of essential fatty acids. These  help retain moisture on the scalp for stronger and more hydrated fibers.

6. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a natural source of many essential nutrients that, in addition to improving health, promote beauty.

  • They contain large amounts of vitamin C, an antioxidant that reduces excess dryness, weakness and breakage.
  • In addition, they increase the production of collagen and other essential substances for the formation of strong and abundant hair.

Some of the recommended ones are:

  • The oranges.
  • The lemons.
  • Tangerine.
  • Grapefruit.

7. Potatoes

Potato is good for hair growth

Potatoes are loaded with vitamins and other essential nutrients. These  help strengthen hair from its roots to stimulate its natural growth.

  • They have a significant concentration of beta-carotene (provitamin A) that keeps the scalp healthy and free of problems in the follicles.
  • They provide antioxidants and essential minerals that improve fiber quality to reduce breakage and excess hair loss.

    8. Avocado

    Without a doubt, avocado is one of the best foods that can be consumed to provide benefits to hair from the diet.

    • It is rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and high-quality proteins. This delicious fruit helps nourish cells and hair fibers to increase their growth.
    • It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two natural substances that maintain the health of the skin and hair.
    • In addition, it reduces dryness in the scalp, reducing the weakness and breakage associated with dehydration.

    As you can see, there are many foods that supplement your nutrition to keep hair strong, long and full. Therefore, include them more frequently in your eating plan and see for yourself all their benefits.

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