Facial Gymnastics: Exercises To Avoid Sagging In The Face

When most people think of exercising, the physical activity that is performed for those large muscles of the body is brought to mind: thighs, buttocks, biceps, triceps, abdominals, among others.

Many forget that the muscles of the face also need to be exercised, as a way to avoid sagging and loss of elasticity of the skin on the face and neck.

This time we present some facial gymnastics techniques for those parts of the face that need to perform movements and exercises in order to keep them toned: forehead, area near the eyes, cheeks and double chin.

Exercises to avoid sagging face

There are some exercises that can contribute to the prevention of sagging in the face. Although the evidence on its benefits is limited, a recent study published in the journal JAMA Dermatology   shows some promise of the possibility of improvement with facial exercises.

In any case, first of all, the main thing is to keep in mind that these exercises do not work by themselves. To have an effect, they must be complemented with good skin care habits and adequate nutrition. You dare?

Exercise for crow’s feet

Wrinkles in the eyes

The so-called crow’s feet, those little wrinkles that form on the outside of the skin that surrounds the eyes and that resembles the shape of the legs of these farmyard animals, are one of the most common folds that the face acquires with Over time.

To help avoid them, you can do the following exercise: Close your eyes, keep them closed while raising your eyebrows, hold them up for a few seconds. Then lower them again and repeat the movement. With this exercise you feel how the skin on the sides and above your eyes is stretched, giving it the elasticity it needs.

Cheek exercise

cheek exercisesThis exercise to tone the muscles and skin that make up the cheeks is very easy to do, although some may find it a bit laughable because of the type of face that is made.

In any case, it’s all about doing it properly to reap its benefits: Smile broadly, tightening the skin around your lips firmly. With that position, stick your tongue out lengthwise and then extend the tip upwards, holding that position for a few seconds. Repeat the movement again.

Forehead exercise

forehead exercisesThis exercise is very simple and will help you stretch the skin to avoid the formation of those expression lines that form in this area of ​​the face. Simply place the fingertips of your hands in a linear fashion on your forehead, in the middle of it.

Then slide the tips of your fingers evenly upwards, until it ends where your hair begins. You will feel how this part of the skin is exercised with each movement. Do a few repetitions of this exercise.

Exercise for the double chin

As we have already presented before, there are exercises to tone the double chin that, if done properly, can be very practical. What you have to do is position yourself upright and then move your head back a little, carefully.

Then, while looking up, make your mouth move as if you are chewing food with your mouth open. You can do this exercise with about 15 repetitions.


Do these exercises according to the parts of your face that most need toning and elasticity. Remember to avoid dehydration, smoking, overexposure to the sun and other habits that can cause premature aging of your skin and that are noticeable mainly on your face.

Practice good habits, like these exercises, and you will notice the difference in a face that appears fresher and more toned.

We recommend you read: Eliminate double chin naturally and without surgery

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