Food To Achieve A Toned Body

To achieve balance and that our body is healthy and toned, it is essential to eat a healthy diet, in which we do not abuse any food, combined with physical activity

There are countless foods that can help us achieve a  toned body. These contribute to our muscles and fight sagging in a very healthy way, as long as we also do physical exercise.

In this article we give you some keys to prepare daily menus with foods that will help you show off a toned and slim body. It can even be made by vegetarians and vegans!


When we talk about the health of our muscles, the first thing to highlight is the importance of protein. In this sense, we must know how to choose which one suits us best. These are some sources that are collected in various specialized sources:

  • Red meat : it is the protein that increases the muscles the most. We must consume it in moderation because it can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • White meat : Lean meats are a very healthy source of protein.
  • Fish : both blue fish and white fish contain a good amount of protein. White is much lower in fat.
  • Egg : the most protein part of the egg is the white, while the yolk contains the highest amount of fat. We can prepare tortillas with two whites and one yolk, for example.
  • Milk and dairy derivatives : we recommend those with low fat content, such as cottage cheese, which we can combine with a little honey or olive oil.
  • Legumes : the quintessential source of vegetable protein. They are inexpensive and healthy. If you do not consume them because they cause gas, we recommend you cook them with cumin and kombu seaweed, or even crush them to make creams. In addition, if we combine them with cereals, such as brown rice, we will really obtain a complete protein.
  • Nuts : the healthiest thing is to eat them raw or toasted, but without salting or frying. We can also find them in the form of a vegetable drink or spreads. We must ensure that they do not have a large amount of sugar, salt or hydrogenated fats added.
  • Mushrooms : this vegetable protein is very healthy, according to this publication endorsed by the University of Valladolid. We can incorporate this delicious food into our salads, stir-fries, rice, pasta, etc.
  • Seaweed : Spirulina is especially recommended, which is also available in supplement form.

Protein in a diet.


Fat is necessary for our body. If we want to prevent it from accumulating and, therefore, losing tone, we must reduce saturated fats and choose healthy fats, such as the following:

  • Top quality vegetable oils,  olive, coconut, sesame, flax, evening primrose, wheat germ, etc.
  • Nuts, such as macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, or almonds.
  • Blue Fish.
  • Egg.
  • Avocado, an excellent fruit with a high content of good fats.
  • Seeds,  sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, etc.

toned body pumpkin seeds


Carbohydrates are essential for building a toned body because they provide us with energy and contribute to the structural formation of the body. They will be provided by the following foods:

  • Fresh and seasonal fruits.
  • Raw and cooked vegetables  :  in salads, in smoothies or juices, etc.
  • Whole grain cereal, rice, quinoa, wheat.
  • Wholemeal flours (without abuse).
  • Starch,  potato, banana.

Recommended supplements for a toned body

Always from a natural point of view, we recommend assessing in each case whether or not to take any of these supplements. The doctor is the only one indicated to prescribe these supplements, which have the property of taking care of our muscles, but more than once they carry unfounded promises or not detailed side effects:

  • Magnesium.
  • Collagen
  • Silicon.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Spirulina or klamath.
  • Wheat grass.

Sample menu for a  toned body

According to the foods that we have recommended, we will make you a menu proposal for one day. Remember that the following option is just an example, and that each person has different needs, which must be planned with the nutritionist:

  • Breakfast : whole wheat toast with cottage cheese, honey and seeds.
  • Mid-morning : a handful of nuts and a fruit.
  • Food : chicken with sauteed vegetables.
  • Snack : a yogurt with nuts.
  • Dinner : a vegetable cream and an omelette.

Here is an ovo-lacto-vegetarian option:

  • Breakfast : yogurt, banana and walnut smoothie.
  • Mid-morning : corn cakes with fresh cheese.
  • Lunch : wholemeal pasta with cream of mushrooms and parmesan.
  • Snack : whole wheat toast with unsalted peanut butter.
  • Dinner : quinoa with vegetables and omelette.

    Finally, a vegan option (without any animal protein):

    • Breakfast : whole wheat tomato and avocado sandwich. Spirulina supplement.
    • Mid-morning : a handful of nuts and a vegetable drink.
    • Lunch : lentil salad with brown rice and assorted mushrooms.
    • Snack : a handful of nuts.
    • Dinner : cream of peas with seaweed, sprouted seeds and corn pancakes.

    These options are very healthy and will help in the purpose of toning the body. However, it should be repeated that, before starting a strict diet, a nutritionist should be consulted.

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