Food You Need If You Have A Sedentary Job

When you have a sedentary lifestyle, it is convenient to choose a varied diet, low in fat and high in fiber.

The decisions that we make daily when choosing the foods we need directly influence health.

You have the freedom to select monotonous diets, high in fat and protein of animal origin.

These eating habits promote the appearance of diseases such as  cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and obesity.

Choosing a varied, low-fat, high-fiber diet would directly benefit your health.

There is scientific evidence certifying that there is a relationship between a balanced diet and health.

Therefore, it is interesting to know which are the foods that provide benefits that go beyond their  nutritional value.

In addition, you must take into account the detriment of leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Unhealthy snacks and spending a lot of time in front of the computer are attributes of office work that sooner or later affect your health.

These are the foods you need to include in your diet

1. Foods beneficial for your eyesight

To protect the health of your eyes, foods that contain omega-3 amino acids, lutein, zinc and vitamins A, C and E.

Try leafy greens like salad, spinach, and cabbage.

Eggs, citrus fruits, berries, nuts and seeds, fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout are also recommended.

Cereals and yeast are excellent for improving our vision, as they contain vitamin B, which helps prevent vision loss.

Citrus fruits are also allies of sight, as they have a high content of vitamin C, which is responsible for manufacturing the collagen of the muscles around our eyes.

2. Foods to strengthen your immune system

The charged environments of the offices become a perfect habitat for the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a person with a cold can easily spread it to everyone around him.

To prevent this from happening, include foods that strengthen your body’s immunity in your diet.

In this case, citrus fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, kiwi, and papayas will help you guard against contracting any type of virus.

One of your snacks could be a yogurt. The probiotics contained in it are healthy bacteria that help keep the intestinal tract free of disease-causing germs.

They also favor the increase of certain T cells. By consuming a 200 ml cup a day, you increase your immunity.

3. Foods to boost your metabolism

foods you need coffee

The speed with which you burn calories depends on your metabolism, which is calculated with a formula and depends on several factors, including age, gender, genetics and lifestyle.

The better your metabolism works, the more calories you will burn.

For office employees who spend most of their days sitting down, it is especially important to meet this requirement.

So by consuming seaweed, coffee, tea, spices such as ginger, cayenne pepper, cardamom, legumes and lean meat, you will keep your metabolism accelerated and, therefore, your ideal weight.

Remember that if you eat little your metabolism slows down because it adapts to burning fewer calories per day.

4. Foods to help your brain

The brain is the main tool of all human beings, so a healthy diet is not only important for physical health, but also for that of one of our main organs.

For your gray matter to work well and to slow down age changes, eat fatty fish such as salmon and trout, blueberries, nuts and seeds, high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice, pomegranate juice and dark chocolate.

5. Foods beneficial for your digestive system

foods you need natural yogurt

Sedentary work for ten or more years increases the risk of colon cancer twice.

To prevent it, exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, which includes fruits such as:

  • Apple
  • Pear

Vegetables like:

  • The onion,
  • asparagus and garlic

Legumes like:

  • Green peas,
  • soy and lentils,
  • wheat and derivatives,
  • rye and barley.

Also consume nuts and dairy that are present in milk, cheeses, ice cream and yogurt.

For these cases, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of red meat and processed meat, as they increase the risk of suffering from cancer.

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