Foods That Prevent Wrinkles

If we want to prevent oxidative damage and the appearance of wrinkles, it is important that we include in our diet foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins that promote collagen production

Women (and some men too) believe that the only way to reduce wrinkles is using creams or cosmetic surgery. However, thanks to diet you can reduce skin aging and help prevent the appearance of “fine lines”. In this article you will find out what are the foods that you should add to your diet if you want to look younger for longer.

Eat to avoid wrinkles?

It is not a miraculous question. Wrinkles occur over time and are unavoidable. But what you can achieve is to have a more youthful appearance or that those marks on your face and other parts of the body are not so pronounced.

Exposure to sunlight and lack of hydration and exfoliation, added to age, are the main causes of wrinkles on the skin. To prevent them from appearing prematurely or being too pronounced, you need to eat healthily.

Eat to avoid wrinkles

Through proper nutrition we can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation processes. In addition, we can also improve rest and sleep, something that is essential when carrying out cell regeneration processes.

What are ‘anti-aging’ foods? Find out below:


It is almost unthinkable that such a small fruit could have such many properties. However, blueberries have shown that, despite their size, they can offer us many benefits. They have a good dose of antioxidants that help prevent long-term cell damage.

Have a handful of this fruit every morning for breakfast. Mix with oatmeal or cereals. You can also drink a delicious blueberry juice.

Another interesting option is to use a blueberry concentrate supplement. Despite its high price, they manage to gather all the benefits of this food in a handful of capsules.

Blueberries are one of the foods with evidence against oxidative damage and cellular aging, so they should be common in the diet.

Fruits with vitamin C

When we think of vitamin C, it occurs to us that only the orange provides it. However, there are many fruits with a good amount of this nutrient. To prevent wrinkles, it is recommended to eat strawberries, guavas and kiwi.

In addition to protecting the immune system against disease, it has been shown to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. It also (as if that were not enough) reduces inflammation in general and can even be interesting to improve recovery from wounds and burns.

Kiwis, in turn, have a good amount of antioxidants, which neutralize the action of free radicals that cause cell damage and cause disease. On the other hand, they provide an interesting amount of fiber, which stimulates the selective growth of the bacteria that live in the intestine. This growth has beneficial effects on inflammation and on mood.

Fruits with vitamin C

Bitter chocolate and coffee against wrinkles

Buy the purest chocolate you can get (or can afford, as it is not usually very affordable). It is endowed with a large amount of flavonoids that improve the appearance of the skin, among other benefits. You can melt it in a cup of almond milk and enjoy it every day, both hot and cold (depending on the time of year).

Cocoa increases blood flow to tissues and reduces inflammation of the dermis, among other benefits collected in this study. This serves to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and the typical roughness of people of a certain age.

In addition, the consumption of coffee (even decaffeinated) has a high antioxidant capacity, which can even extend life. Therefore, the combination of both foods is the most interesting when it comes to fighting aging.


It is important that you use it raw if you are going to use it as a mask on the skin. A homemade trick of the grandmothers – not scientifically proven – is to apply slices of tomato on the burns caused by the sun to avoid dehydration of the dermis.

If we consume it cooked, we can take more advantage of its contribution of lycopene  (which gives it its reddish color), whose actions to favor the skin are truly amazing.


It is worth noting that many people have wrinkles from being in the sun for too long. If this is your case,  do not hesitate to give yourself a tomato feast. Other options to not get tired and also continue adding lycopene to your body (in less quantity) are:

  • Watermelon
  • Peach
  • Strawberry
  • Blackberry
  • Cherry
  • Red grape
  • Red grapefruit
  • grenade
  • Raspberry
  • Radishes
  • Red pepper
  • Red onion
  • Beet
  • Red cabbage
  • Red chicory
  • Papaya


This food, somewhat sophisticated for some places but commonplace in others, is full of zinc. This mineral has many benefits, such as repairing the skin and creating more collagen (which gives it structure and support).

It also has antioxidant and cell-protective properties. It is also claimed to help keep hair and scalp healthy, nails strong, and eyes healthy.

However, it is a very delicate food in terms of food hygiene. It is possible that it contains microorganisms harmful to health that cause some type of infection.

Therefore, its consumption is not recommended in people with a weak immune system or who tend to suffer from gastrointestinal problems. In addition to oysters, we can also obtain zinc from:

  • Red meat
  • White meat (poultry)
  • Walnuts
  • Beans
  • Seafood (especially lobster and crab)
  • Cereals
  • Whole grains
  • Dairy products


It cannot be missing from your anti-wrinkle diet. It has vitamin E, which slows the aging of cells and firms tissues, while blocking free radicals.

Salmon is one of the so-called “blue” fish that will help keep your skin soft and young thanks to the contribution of Omega 3 fatty acids.


Do not worry, they are the good ones. They are responsible for replenishing the lipids that the dermis loses and, therefore, they achieve flexibility and moisture. Additionally, they reduce cellular inflammation that causes dryness, redness, and acne.

If you don’t eat fish, you can choose other foods that also contain omega 3s. Some of them are walnuts and flax seeds.


Whole grains provide us with a good amount of benefits through their nutrients (with fiber, vitamin B and iron at the top). In addition, they are said to increase collagen production naturally and reverse the signs of premature aging, although there is no evidence specifically addressing these effects.

However, you must always choose the whole varieties over the refined ones. In the case of the latter, we lose the benefits of fiber and we can lose control of the glucose curve.

If the reasons to start consuming it are still not enough, you should know that they are powerful antioxidants that protect from the action of UV rays. Among the recommended cereals, we find:

  • Cornmeal
  • Wheat flour
  • Oatmeal
  • Integral rice
  • Son


Melatonin to prevent the formation of wrinkles

Melatonin is a substance in charge of controlling the circadian cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Its use as a dietary supplement has become popular in recent years, as it has the ability to improve sleep and rest.

Therefore, it is interesting when it comes to maximizing cell regeneration processes. In addition, it has a high antioxidant capacity, which allows it to fight against the creation of free radicals.

For these reasons, taking between 1 and 5 mg of melatonin daily 30 minutes before bed is an excellent option to prevent aging. Some foods that contain it are oats and some berries, such as cherries.

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