Foods To Help Treat Pneumonia

Pneumonia is one of the respiratory diseases that most frequently affects both children and adults, it is caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria.

Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection, which mainly affects the lungs causing severe pain when breathing, preventing oxygen from entering them freely.

There are some foods that can be very useful to complement the treatment of this infection, it should be taken into account that medications should not be suspended, since these foods only provide their benefits to try to help alleviate it, but at no time should they be replace by medicines.  

Do you want to know what those foods are?

1. Garlic

garlic in a sack

Garlic is one of the best home remedies used to treat pneumonia, although its strong smell does not please many people, we must try to include it in the food we consume daily.

This food can help prevent pneumonia since garlic is a natural antibiotic that helps eliminate germs found in the body. For this reason it is a good complement for the treatment of this disease.

Likewise, it should be noted that its vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds help strengthen the immune system, improving the response against pathogens that cause infections. Therefore, its daily consumption could reduce the risk of crisis of this disease.

2. Turmeric


Turmeric is a product that is used like saffron in the preparation of foods to give them color, but for some years it has also been used as a medicine to treat respiratory conditions such as pneumonia, obtaining good results in this regard.

If you like foods with a lot of color and you are also consuming food products to cure or prevent pneumonia, this is the perfect food that you should include in your meals every day.

3. Ginger

Ginger infusion

Ginger is a food that can be consumed in various forms, and if you are trying to cure an attack of pneumonia you can even include it in a cup of tea; You can easily grate it and mix it in juices and drink it in the morning so that its healing properties improve pneumonia.

Of course, it must be borne in mind that ginger does not cure the disease and does not replace the medications prescribed by the doctor. Even before taking it, it is important to consult, since sometimes it has certain interactions with the conventional treatment drugs.

4. Strawberries, tomato and guavas


These three delicious fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is essential to include in the daily diet and especially if you are having pneumonia, which requires foods that help raise the body’s defenses to make it much stronger and more powerful. eliminate viruses and bacteria that are the cause of thousands of diseases.

5. The carrot

The carrot is a food rich in vitamin A, it is highly recommended to help the proper functioning of the organs of sight, but it should be noted that it has a very beneficial effect on the health of the lungs.

Many health professionals recommend that people with pneumonia drink plenty of carrot juice to improve their health, it is also very delicious.

It is also valid to prepare it in the form of creams or soups, it can be grated and included in salads. So do not forget to take them on your list so that they are never missing in your home and you can prepare delicious carrot recipes every day.

After having known these foods that are used to cure or prevent pneumonia, the only thing we recommend is that you do not stop following the recommendations that your doctor has given you. These foods should simply be a complement to the treatment or medications you are taking.

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