Heart Rhythm Can Be Altered By Overwork

To prevent our health from being affected by overwork, it is essential to divide the day into stages and reserve each of them for an activity different: work, leisure and rest.

Today’s world seems to be quite hectic and demanding. The levels of tension and anxiety are latent at all times. Time seems tight, and the work is increasing. Many people are overwhelmed by overwork.

This excess is a key factor in developing heart disorders. Beyond taking time away from enjoyment, this could represent a serious danger to health and the probability of suffering cardiovascular attacks.

There are many people who work overtime at work. And while work is good, its excess is not. Everything must have its limit in order to maintain a balance.

Consequences of overwork

When you work more than normal, the body begins to suffer. The signals are not long in coming.  Thus, little by little you begin to experience all kinds of symptoms of fatigue and tiredness, such as:

  • Dizziness.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Headache.
  • Back pain.

The problem is that many people do not give due importance to these types of signals. Just one extra hour of work each day can have an impact on health.

It is usually done to respond to excess work, refine tasks, offer solutions to pending orders, or charge a little more. In this way, you are seriously putting your health at risk.

Overworking seriously impairs your heart rate.

Not only physical but also mental effort

work stress

These health consequences are not solely derived from physical exertion. Tasks that involve mental exhaustion also have a clear impact. And it is that these are the main causes of stress and anxiety disorders.

In addition to overwork, other factors added to this can be detrimental; In particular, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle greatly increase your chances of having a heart attack.

If the person is a smoker, the matter gets even worse. It is a dangerous combination when it comes to increasing the chances of suffering cardiovascular accidents.

Prevention of heart attacks and strokes

Overwork is one of the main causes that give rise to these types of attacks, added to stress and anxiety. Therefore, it  is necessary to pay close attention to the signals that the body sends us ,  as well as to try to adopt preventive measures.

Solutions should not be left for an indefinite tomorrow, as it could be too late. In this sense, it is advisable to review the habits of life and improve all those aspects that are necessary.

Tips for the working day

How to know if I suffer from work stress

  • First, it will be necessary to establish a standard working day. This should not exceed, if possible, 8 working hours per day.
  • Overtime should be done only if it is very necessary. If the body is already quite exhausted, it is better not to exceed hours of work.
  • Not taking work home is also a good way to prevent heart problems. When leaving the workplace, it is important to clear your mind and body.
  • It will be useless to stop working if when you get home you continue to carry out tasks around work. This would be the equivalent of working overtime.
  • It is necessary for the person to divide their day into three stages: work, rest and leisure time.
  • As far as possible, the three stages should last the same time interval. Establishing 8 hours for each of them is the healthiest.

An adequate mental state in the face of work problems

How work stress can affect us

Obsession with work has consequences. The overtime will end up serving only to pay for the doctor’s costs. Above all, never forget that health comes first. Above pending orders, problems with colleagues or managers, etc.

All of this ties into the important question of the ability to disconnect. It is important that the files or cases that are handled, in the case of administrative, medical, legal and related jobs, are not mentally taken home.

For a correct disconnection, sports and leisure physical activities help a lot. A good walk for half an hour, practicing some sport, going to the gym or a dance session, can serve to clear the head.

There are also other activities with a similar result: meditation practice, music, hobbies, among others.

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