How Is Salt Used Correctly?

As we already eat salt with food, it is not recommended to consume more than half a gram a day, that is, the equivalent of a teaspoon of coffee.

Within popular beliefs, there is much talk about the consumption of salt and that it is harmful to health. Statements based on personal experiences are also often made and it is believed that it is not well known how much salt we should eat daily or how many grams are the norm, that is, what is allowed, in which dishes to use it, etc.

The voices in favor indicate that sodium is essential for our vital functions and the speakers say that it is totally harmful to the body. Who do we believe? How is salt used correctly? These are some questions that we will answer in this article.

If you want to find out how salt is used properly, read on!

The body needs salt


But be careful, because when you read this title, many will begin to salt your food without regard, and that is not right. The truth is that our body needs sodium to carry out certain metabolic processes, so that the stomach can produce its juices, etc.

The current problem is not consuming salt ( sodium chloride in its scientific name), but how the seasoning has been treated or processed.

The mechanism used today for this is what is known as “iodized”, which takes away the vast majority (if not almost all) of its natural properties.

Diseases due to excess salt

The unbalanced consumption of salt is what causes some diseases, as this study explains, for example, related to the heart, tension and others of a delicate nature. These include:

  • Arterial hypertension
  • Kidney problems (failure, formation of stones in the kidneys)
  • Hair loss
  • Arteriosclerosis and narrowing of the veins (they do not allow blood to pass properly)
  • Wrinkles and spots on the skin
  • Irritation in the intestines
  • Dry throat
  • Constipation
  • Appearance of dark circles
  • Imbalances in the liver
  • Heart diseases
  • Gout
  • Fluid build-up (edema)
  • Overweight

The more salt we add to the food, the more we want to add it. What do you think this is? Because iodized or iodized salt burns the taste buds and we feel less and less the salty taste of things. The same goes for artificial sweeteners in candy.


If we add to this the fact that processed and already prepared food has a large amount of salt from the moment of preparation, the tongue is increasingly used to this flavor and displaces others.

In this way, we lose the ability to enjoy the natural flavors of food and everything we eat seems tasteless, unless we add a good amount of salt. For this reason it is important to evaluate how salt is used.

The kidneys have the capacity to eliminate 5 grams of sodium per day through urine (for this you need to drink two liters of water daily).

If this level of salt is raised in the diet, it accumulates in the body and that causes many problems. Where is the “surplus” stored? In tissues and organs. This is how we suffer from fluid retention.

Basically,  edema appears when the kidney has already exhausted its ability to excrete salt and fluids.  The rest is lodged in various parts of the body, causing, among other things, overweight.

Another of the symptoms of excess salt in the body is dry eyes, skin and mucous membranes (eyes, nose, etc). Wrinkles appear, the feeling of stiffness, eye irritation, the skin begins to peel, etc.

If we like Ancient History, we will surely know that the Egyptians used a lot of salt to embalm bodies, since this element dries liquids.

Recommended salt intake


It should start by explaining that the World Health Organization (WHO) explains in the following information that it is recommended to reduce sodium intake in adults to less than 2 g / day (5 g / day of salt).

Now, this whole introduction helps us understand why excess salt is bad. As much as the kidneys can eliminate 5 grams a day, do not consume more than 0.5 a day.

This equates to one teaspoon of coffee. How little? If that’s what I add to a salad! We must start trying.

How to use salt correctly

Sea salt

The best use you can put to salt is moderate! Keep these tips in mind to consume less salt:

  • Cook foods without salt (for example, pasta, rice, boiled vegetables).
  • Do not bring the salt shaker to the table to avoid temptations.
  • Choose natural salts such as sea salt or Himalayan pink salt that have not been iodized.
  • Season your food with lemon juice, vinegar, olive oil and all the spices you can think of.
  • Eat what doesn’t require adding salt.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day to excrete the salt through your urine.
  • Avoid all processed or ready-made foods.
  • Do not eat fast food.
  • Do not ask for salt in restaurants
  • Drink infusions that help you clean the kidneys so that they can do their job better.
  • It is not enough to drink a tea of ​​horsetail, dandelion or parsley (the best in these cases), but also commit to stop consuming salt.

If you follow these tips on how to use salt, you will feel healthier and avoid many diseases and ailments.

Learn to enjoy the flavors of food. If you are used to adding a good amount of salt to your dishes, the process will surely be difficult. You can reduce your intake little by little until the taste buds perceive the tastes of the food again.

Wondering how to use salt correctly? We hope we have solved your doubts. Of course, if you have more questions, ask your doctor.

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