How To Calm The Nerves In A Natural Way

On a day-to-day basis, various situations may get on our nerves. Traffic, the news, work deadlines , tasks to be done, paying bills, some legal process, among many other issues.

We get nervous when we have to get to work on time and there is traffic, when we have to solve different household issues at the same time, when we want something and have to wait, and also when we are organizing an important event, such as a birthday an anniversary or a wedding. In those cases, it is normal to feel nervous.

The problem is not in feeling the nerves in those moments, in a punctual way, but in the fact that the nerves persist over time and cause us greater discomfort. In other words: nerves are a problem when they become the rule rather than the exception.

In this article we will tell you how to calm them naturally while you seek help or apply certain measures that the professional has already indicated.

Nerves and restlessness: why is it?

At present it seems that the rush and the stimuli are the order of the day. For this reason, unfortunately for many people it is “normal” to feel nervous practically every day. In fact, at times it may be strange not to feel them.

Mental Health America warns that when you constantly react to stressful situations without pausing and adjusting, your nerves can lead to bigger problems.

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Unbalanced diet

It is proven that the excessive and regular consumption of artificial beverages, such as soft drinks or alcohol, as well as overly sugary or fried products causes alterations in the whole organism, including the nervous system.

So, if we eat badly every day, the nervous system will decompensate and, therefore, it will be easier for us to be susceptible to unfavorable changes in mood. Likewise, if we consume junk, sweets and the like in moments of great nervousness, we will feel worse. This is partly because these types of products do not provide nutrients or fiber, which are essential for maintaining a good mood.

In contrast to this, a recent study showed that a healthy diet not only contributes to the health of the entire body in general, but also helps to alleviate symptoms of stress and depression.

To stay healthy, we should take care of what we eat on a daily basis. We must not forget what the experts in neuroscience indicate: the brain is a demanding eater.

Some tips that we should keep in mind:

  • Eliminate ultra-processed edibles (or consume them on time, not on a regular basis).
  • Moderate your carbohydrate intake.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugar.
  • Increase the consumption of healthy fats.
  • Eat more fish regularly.
  • Integrate more fruits and vegetables into the diet.
  • Include several prebiotic foods in the diet.
  • Maintain adequate fiber intake.

Initiatives such as Mindful Eating, the real food movement and others help motivate people to make better choices about what they consume on a daily basis.

Sedentary lifestyle

It is proven that a sedentary lifestyle affects health in many ways. It can even produce changes at the brain level. Therefore, spending days lying down does not help relieve nerves, quite the opposite.

In other words: not exercising regularly enough (at least 3-4 times a week) prevents tensions (physical and psychological) and toxins from being released, which is harmful.

If we want to relieve stress and emotional tension, it is best that we adopt an active lifestyle, and that we combine it with other good habits of life, such as a proper diet and good sleep hygiene.

Poor sleep hygiene

Not sleeping properly on a daily basis can greatly affect the way we see the world and how we take things, especially in times of great stress. Therefore, if we have insomnia or do not rest well every day, we will be more likely to be in a bad mood, feel nervous and irritable.

As the scientific literature indicates: “ sleep is closely associated with neuromodulators such as those of the aminergic, cholinergic and GABAergic systems. These systems in turn are strongly associated with mental illness, especially mood and eating disorders ”.

The experts of the Spanish Sleep Society recommend:

  • Establish a routine of dietary habits and healthy meal times.
  • Get enough hours of sleep according to age.
  • Go to bed about two hours after dinner.
  • Keep caffeine intake low.
  • Avoid the consumption of stimulant substances.
  • Maintain other healthy lifestyle habits, such as a good exercise routine.

    How to calm the nerves naturally?

    With these tips, which you can do at home, you can naturally reduce nerves. However, remember that if you have a sleep disorder or other health problem, you should give priority to what your doctor tells you.

    Exercise regularly

    Benefits of exercising 30 minutes a day.

    If you can’t, every day it can be between 2 and 3 times a week. However, it is best if you do at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily. It can be riding a bike, going for a walk, or taking your dog for a walk.

    Exercising has many benefits, because it regulates stress and prevents you from getting nervous about anything.

    If you have had a difficult day at work, it would be good for you to comply with a good training routine. You will come home tired and liberated in every way.

    Read: The benefits of sport in anxiety and panic

    Count to one hundred

    If you think that will take a long time … Better yet! That’s what you need to calm down and put your nerves aside.

    When a specific situation makes you tense, start counting from 1 to 100. You will find that by the end you will feel much more relaxed and prepared for that particular activity. In turn, it will help you to visualize that everything will be fine and that there will be no problems. Think about how things will turn out as you expect and trust your abilities.

    Breathe consciously

    Breathing exercises are simple techniques and very easy to carry out at any time, even in the office or on the subway!

    The most basic of the methods is to breathe in while you count to 8. Then hold your breath for a count of 4 and release it again by saying the numbers from 1 to 8. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary until you feel some relief.

    Take a hot bath

    How to prepare a relaxing bath

    To sleep through the night and rest your body, when you get home afterwards you can enjoy a wonderful hot bath with salts or foam. You can add a few drops of lavender essential oil or a handful of dried flowers of the plant if you prefer, as its aroma contributes to relaxation and relief of tension.

    You can also massage your temples in a circular way with or without an essential oil.

    Reduce alcohol and caffeine intake to reduce jitters

    When we are nervous we almost always find ourselves “against the clock” with obligations. For this reason it is common that we want to speed up the processes by drinking one and another cup of coffee.

    In the case of alcoholic beverages, we consume them as a way to escape from problems or to, supposedly, have a great time after a horrible day. However, both caffeine and alcohol increase symptoms of anxiety, bad mood, and nervousness. It is therefore necessary to avoid them as much as possible.

    Instead of coffee, opt for a natural drink, such as a tea or infusion, and instead of alcohol, take advantage of smoothies or fruit juices. These will hydrate you and help you stay active, without causing you more nervousness.

    Ready to apply all these tips and ease those nerves?

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