How To Choose Sunglasses According To The Type Of Face?

Do you know how to choose sunglasses according to your face? These are a fundamental accessory for the whole year. Not only do they add a lot of style to your appearance, but they also protect your eyes from solar radiation.

However, we must know how to choose them so that their effect is the desired one on our image. We show you how to choose sunglasses according to the type of face.

How to identify our face type?

First of all,  to choose sunglasses according to the type of face we must know what the shape of our face is. Many people are unaware of this detail; a little observation is enough to reveal this doubt.

To do this, stand in front of a mirror at a medium distance, about the length of your outstretched arm. Then, using a marker, lipstick or soap, draw the outline of your face; Go from the chin to the hairline.

What silhouette is left? That is the shape of your face. Based on it, choose the type of glasses that best suits you from those that we will describe below.

Choosing sunglasses according to the type of face

Round face

This type of face is characterized by its uniformity in terms of the length and width of the face. There are almost no angles and the chin is also rounded.

On these occasions, it is best to opt for rectangular or square lenses, since the idea is to visually lengthen the face, add angles. “Cat eye frames” and lenses with narrow bridges will also do this.

On the other hand, round glasses, colored lenses and lenses that cover the eyebrows should be avoided. These will only be able to enhance those traits that are intended to be attenuated.

Rectangular face

The length of the face is greater than the width ; on the other hand, the forehead and chin are the same width. Therefore, we should try to expand the volume of the face.

A great way to do this is through large glasses . In this sense, lenses with large or round frames are very beneficial; we must look for horizontality. On the contrary, the small ones or those that include bright colors are not so much.

Square face

Square faces have very angular jaws, as do the forehead and cheekbones, which are the same width. It seeks to add height, verticality, to compensate for how short this type of face can be.

Sunglasses with very rounded frames can be very useful for this purpose . In this way we will be able to contrast the straightness of the face with the roundness of the glasses.

Triangular face

This type of face is characterized by being longer than it is wide. While the chin is quite wide, the cheekbones and forehead are narrower.

For these people, glasses that provide space in the upper part are advisable. For example, the angular lines of the “cat eye frames” are an excellent alternative; so are aviator glasses.

Heart face

The heart face is characterized by having fine jaws and chin, while its shape widens as it rises. So the cheekbones are broader, as is the forehead. That is why it is also called an inverted triangle.

In short, faces with this shape can benefit from a lot of volume in their lower part, such as aviators, for example. In this way, the part of the face that lacks more size is “filled in”.

Oval face

It is considered the perfect type of face, since it presents perfect total harmony in its features. Characteristics? It is a little wider in the area of ​​the cheeks and tapers reaching the chin. 

The excellent news for those who wear it is that any type of glasses will suit you. Square, round, aviator, with large or small frames … The options are varied and just as compatible for those who can enjoy a balanced face in terms of its curves.

As you can see,  choosing sunglasses according to the type of face is almost the same as choosing a garment based on the size we have. Just as we would not buy clothes that expose the features that we intend to hide, we must not opt ​​for glasses that are counterproductive to our image.

After all, the style of each person also has a lot to do with it, as well as the hairstyle and the way of dressing. However, with these tricks you will have a great tool to choose the right glasses for you.

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