How To Handle Mental Problems In Your Partner

As far as possible, try to put yourself in the place of the other and understand that many of their reactions are the result of the mental problems they are going through

There is a wide variety of mental problems that can affect anyone. Every year, millions of people of legal age are diagnosed with some type of mental disorder.

That is why it is important to know how to support our partner when going through a situation of this type. Mental illness can represent a challenge for the relationship, so it is necessary to take advantage of all the tools we have at hand to succeed together.

These tips can be very helpful in helping your partner to overcome, and show him that you are by his side unconditionally. However, don’t rule out seeking professional help. The psychologist can be an excellent support for both of you.

Taking care of yourself is important too

First of all, it is important to understand that to be able to take care of others we must be well ourselves . This allows us not to collapse when the situation gets complicated.

If we are emotionally bad we could make the problem worse. A person with a mental disorder needs someone strong to lean on.

Avoid putting yourself aside. Although your partner needs your support and understanding , you also matter in the relationship.

Don’t take things personally

Guy talking to his girlfriend about emotionally unavailable people

Mental problems can have many causes and their symptoms can be very varied.   You must understand that anger, mistrust, sudden mood swings and a host of other negative reactions can be part of the mental disorder.

When we are in a relationship with a person who suffers from mental problems, it is easy to think that these attitudes are our fault.

Learn to forgive

Many times, people with mental disorders become frustrated because they feel misunderstood. This ends up causing problems in the relationship. That could cause some resentment and frustration for you, too. Avoid thinking that your partner does not value your effort.

Forgiving the negative attitudes that your partner has in his bad moments helps the advancement of the relationship, since  let go of anxiety, tension and  resentment .

Find out everything you can

There are many social taboos around mental illness.  It is important to seek proven information after receiving a clear diagnosis.

Learning as much as possible about the mental problems that plague your partner is one of the most useful things you can do to help him effectively.

The best alternative is to go directly to the doctor that treats your partner to give you precise instructions about the treatment.

Strive to maintain a strong bond in your relationship

This advice is crucial for any couple. A couple where there is no communication gradually weakens until they break down.  A good way to accomplish this is couples therapy. When your partner is faced with mental problems, you will need to give a little more of your part. And maybe expect a little less than yours.

If your partner is going through a mental illness, it is likely that their focus is not 100% directed towards the well-being of the relationship.

Do not feel responsible for the mental problems that your partner may be going through

Playing as your partner’s therapist doesn’t help improve their mental health and it can affect your relationship. Many people resist receiving care because they have the misconception that having a mental problem is synonymous with being insane.

Reassure him that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, much less something to be ashamed of. If your partner is reluctant to receive help, your role should be that of mediator.

Make him understand that it will be the best. But keep in mind also that a person with mental problems should not be forced to receive help when they do not want it. The  responsibility is solely yours.  

Help your partner to be consistent with his treatment

Couple therapy.

When a person with mental problems begins to feel well, they may be tempted to stop taking their medication or stop attending  therapy . It’s not a good idea.

To keep the situation under control you must follow the instructions of the doctors. If recommended treatment is stopped suddenly, symptoms are likely to return and may get worse.

Make an effort to encourage your partner to continue taking his treatment, or if not to gradually leave him under medical supervision. . Yes He asks you for it, accompany him or give him his space, depending on what he needs.

Remember that it is important to be consistent and not throw in the towel. Show him that even though his illness makes him think, act, or feel a certain way, he has your support, love, patience, and understanding.

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