How To Make A Diet To Lose Belly Without Starving

Dieting to lower your belly without starving is possible. To find out which is the most appropriate for each case, it is best to consult your doctor or, failing that, the nutritionist. 

Although there are countless miracle diets Promising results in a short time, nutritionists comment that these are the worst options, since they pose multiple health risks, even in the short term. 

Instead of trying to take an “easy route”, it is best to opt for a healthy strategy that takes into account the body’s needs and the best way to satisfy them, day by day.

However, you may not know where to start. In that case, keep reading that we will give you some tips to make a diet to lower your belly without starving.

1. Eat breakfast daily

Varied breakfast.

Although many people avoid having this first meal, because they believe that this way they will be able to lose kilos faster, the first step to making a diet to lose belly without starving is to eat a good breakfast every day.

It is not recommended that you skip breakfast. Instead, what you should do is look for healthy options for breakfast

The first meal of the day provides nutrients and energy that are necessary to wake up and start activities. At the same time, it helps prevent hunger pangs. In these “attacks” is when there is greater risk of taking anything, without thinking too much if it is beneficial or not for the body.

By having breakfast you will be able to carry out your daily activities without feeling tired towards noon. Plus, you’ll be less likely to be tempted to eat unhealthy or high-calorie foods.

Some good options for breakfast are fresh fruits and:

  • 250 ml of natural yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oat flakes and 1 apple.
  • 2 scrambled eggs with 2 slices of ham and green tea.
  • 1 slice of whole wheat toast with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 1 banana.

2. Healthy snacks in the diet to lose belly

Nuts: walnuts.

Leaving several healthy snacks prepared in advance can be very beneficial to control cravings for eating between meals. This way you can avoid binge eating or the temptation to eat any sweet or unhealthy food that you find.

Some recommended options are:

  • Mix of nuts (3 walnuts + 2 almonds + 5 peanuts). These should be natural: not roasted, salted, fried or caramelized. 
  • 5 baby carrots + 2 tablespoons of hummus.
  • 1 slice of low-fat panela cheese + 2 medium guavas.
  • 1 medium slice of watermelon with lemon and salt.

3. Choose complex carbohydrates

Although there is the misconception that dieting to lose belly without starving it is necessary to eliminate all carbohydrates. However, this food group is necessary for energy, fiber, and other nutrients.

In this way, the key is to choose complex carbohydrates. Above all, we get them from legumes and whole grains .

Some recommended options are:

  • Avena .
  • Quinoa.
  • Beans.
  • Lentils.
  • Integral rice.

This type of carbohydrate gives you There will be energy that will be transformed into glucose, but without excesses that harm you. Also, the best times to add these carbohydrates are in the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

The carbohydrates that you should avoid are white bread, white rice, canned beans, commercial breads with refined flours.

Some options that you can consume are:

  • 1 slice of whole wheat bread with 1 slice of cheese panela.
  • 1 medium slice of homemade vegetarian pizza with whole wheat dough.
  • Quinoa cooked with cinnamon and honey.

4. Watch what you drink

9 reasons to drink cucumber water every day

A common tip when looking to diet to lower your belly without starving is to drink enough fluids. However, not all drinks are equally healthy and recommended. Watch what you drink! 

Ideally, you should choose drinks with little or no calories:

  • Natural water.
  • Low fat milk.
  • Natural fruit juices in small portions.
  • Natural vegetable juices in small portions.
  • Teas and infusions (as long as you don’t add sweeteners).

The drinks you should avoid are:

  • Refreshments.
  • Commercial juices.
  • Drinks with caffeine .

Pay attention to what you drink

Finally, if you are someone who usually goes out to party every week, try to pay close attention to what you drink and how much you choose to drink.

Alcoholic beverages are not recommended in any case, however, when you want to lose weight, they are even less recommended, because all they do is add up empty calories and make you gain weight or keep those extra kilos. 

It is best to consume water or natural drinks, such as fruit juices or juices, without sugar. 

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