How To Make Homemade Shower Gel

The shower gel has the ability to relax us and make us enjoy a good immersion bath. If you don’t like using chemicals or harsh products, you can try making your own homemade shower gel.

They can also be used to bathe, if  we are looking for more natural alternatives for different aspects of our life. Learn how to make homemade shower gel in the following article.

In any case, before preparing them, we recommend that you consult with your dermatologist so that he can check if you have an allergy to any ingredient.

Basic homemade shower gel

Essential oils to make homemade shower gel

The base of this recipe can be used to make different types of shower gels. Before starting, you must choose its base, that is, the essential oil, according to your needs.

It can be to relax, hydrate, moisturize, etc. In addition, the oil is what will give it its characteristic aroma. Some of the best known are lavender, lemon, jasmine, mint, rose, and almonds.


  • 4 cups of mineral water (1 lt)
  • 1/2 cup of unscented antibacterial gel (100 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of pectin gel (60 g)
  • 30 to 40 drops of the essential oil you have chosen (according to your preference and the recommendation of the dermatologist)
  • 1 plastic bottle


  • First, boil the mineral water and add the antibacterial gel.
  • Lower the heat to a minimum.
  • Then add the pectin gel and stir until everything is well mixed.
  • Remove from the heat and add 30 drops of the essential oil you have chosen. For a more aromatic gel, add 5-10 more drops.
  • Wait for it to cool down and check its consistency. If it is too thick you can add water and if it is liquid, more pectin.
  • When it’s perfect, pour into a plastic bottle. Place in the tub and then store in the refrigerator.

    Homemade Aloe Vera Shower Gel

    Aloe vera for homemade shower gel


    • 3 cups of mineral or distilled water (750 ml)
    • ¼ cup of liquid castile soap (50 g)
    • 2 tablespoons of pectin (30 g)
    • ¼ cup of aloe vera pulp (40 g) or 25 drops of the essential oil
    • 1 plastic spray bottle


    • First, bring the water to a boil.
    • Add the soap and reduce the heat to a minimum, leaving about 30 minutes.
    • Remove from the heat and add the pectin, stirring constantly so that no lumps form and until a homogeneous mixture is left.
    • Add the aloe vera pulp or essential oil.
    • Stir well and let it cool slightly before pouring the gel into the plastic bottle.
    • You can have a small bottle in the shower and keep the rest tightly closed in the refrigerator.

      Homemade Glycerin Shower Gel

      glycerin in a spoon

      In this recipe we will use glycerin liquid soap. It is an excellent moisturizer. In addition, you can choose the essential oil of your choice. You should know : chamomile is good for dry skin and lemon is ideal for oily skin. Those of lavender, jasmine and mint are very useful too, and allow you to relax while you bathe.


      • 2 cups of liquid glycerin soap (400 ml)
      • 1 cup of distilled water (250 ml)
      • ¾ teaspoons of salt (15 g)
      • 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil (15 g)
      • 30 drops of essential oil (your choice)


      • Pour the glycerin soap into a clean, dry, empty plastic bottle.
      • Add the distilled water and salt. The first serves to dilute and the second to preserve.
      • Next, add the jojoba oil to provide more moisture to the skin (consult your dermatologist about the effect of this oil on your skin)
      • Then add the essential oil.
      • Shake the bottle vigorously to combine all the ingredients.

      Homemade shower gel with soap mixture

      By mixing several soaps we can make a homemade shower gel

      This option uses bar soap: you can save the small pieces that remain. The aroma of all of them will mix and contribute their properties.


      • 1 cup of bar soap (200 g)
      • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
      • Essential oil (to taste)


      • Grate the soap to make one cup. You can also cut it like scales with a knife.
      • Mix with the water in a saucepan, stirring frequently over medium heat.
      • Keep stirring until everything is well homogenized.
      • Then, remove from the heat and let it cool down.
      • Then add drops of the essential oil that you like the most.
      • If you want, you can add a little liquid antibacterial soap.

      Exfoliating homemade shower gel

      With salt we can make exfoliating homemade shower gel


      • Neutral shampoo and distilled water (equal amounts)
      • Salt
      • Essential oil (to taste)


      • In a container pour a little shampoo and the same amount of distilled or mineral water.
      • Mix well and add salt little by little, while you keep stirring until you get the desired firmness. Be careful with the amount of salt you add because it can irritate the skin.
      • Then, add a few drops of essential oil of your choice.
      • Strain into a clean plastic bottle and use regularly.

        Recommendations when preparing any homemade shower gel

        • If you use essential oils, do not exceed the amounts suggested in the recipes. Choose from the varieties available, for example. strawberry, chocolate, coconut, vanilla, raspberry, honeysuckle, lavender and rosemary. And do not forget to consult with your dermatologist about the use of essential oils: every skin is different and you may have an allergy to some oil.
        • As a replacement for the oils, you can use dried herbs. Buds, leaves, or stems will do. You can use lavender, geranium, rosemary, etc. Spray them with a mortar. You can also choose dried fruit peels like orange or grapefruit; spices like ginger, anise or cinnamon, or pure extracts like almonds or vanilla.
        • If you use synthetic fragrances, you should know that the heat of the soap “turns off” the aroma, so it should be added once it cools down.
        • Instead of using leftover soap and having to wait to fill a cup, you can use a full soap with a delicious scent.
        • An alternative to melt the soap pieces can be slow cookers, which although they take longer, require less effort.
        • Test a small amount of the gel on your hand first to verify that it will not be irritable to your skin. If after a while there is no redness or itching, you are not allergic to it. Sometimes the mixture of ingredients can cause these side effects, even if separately they are harmless to your dermis. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor beforehand.

        You already have the recipes to prepare your homemade shower gel, easy, natural and to your liking. Dare to try them and give yourself the time to pamper yourself while you take a bath.

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