How To Make Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil is a product rich in vitamins, acids and antioxidants that has a pleasant aroma and benefits us in multiple ways. Discover a simple way to do it at home.

Today, many people turn to the benefits of natural remedies to alleviate certain ailments. Lemon essential oil is one of them, as it has certain properties to lighten the skin, calm cold symptoms, and stimulate the mind.

This product is obtained directly from the peel of the fruit. It has a strong, purifying citrus scent that many find uplifting. Next, we will tell you in detail how you can make this oil and what are its most common uses. Take note!

How to make lemon essential oil?

Lemon is one of the fruits best known for its properties and health benefits. In fact, a study published in the Chemistry Central Journal  notes that flavonoids, one of the main components of citrus fruits, have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiallergic effects.

This fruit, originally from Southeast Asia, can be consumed in different ways, whether in infusion, juices, adding a few drops to certain preparations, etc. On the other hand, there are those who prefer to obtain all its benefits through aromatherapy or by applying it directly to the skin in the form of essential oil. If you are from this group, we will tell you one way to do it at home.

How to make lemon essential oil


  • 6 lemons
  • 1 glass of almond oil (200 ml)
  • 1 glass of olive oil (200 ml)


  • Glass jar
  • gauze
  • Container with lid


  • First, wash and peel the lemons. Don’t throw away the peels.
  • Put the shells in the oven at a temperature of about 50ÂșC for 2 or 3 hours to dry.
  • Next, place the dried peels in the bottom of the glass jar and add the 2 oils.
  • You should let it sit in a cool, dark place for 50 days to concentrate, stirring it from time to time.
  • After the indicated time, extract the lemon peels, drain them well, and filter the oil.
  • It should be stored and preserved in another container with a lid.

With these simple steps you already have your lemon essential oil ready to use. Make sure it is in a cool place without humidity.

Lemon essential oil uses

Now that you know how to make your own lemon essential oil, we are going to review some of its most common uses and benefits so that you are encouraged to include it in your daily routine. Don’t forget that there are no miracle products on their own. A balanced diet and regular exercise will help you maintain good health.

Purify the environment

The air you breathe at home is very important. Keep in mind that pollution is everywhere and when you go outside, you will most likely inhale the smog . So it is best to clean the home environment. On the one hand, the essential oil will help to eliminate the bacteria that enter through the window and, on the other, it will leave a very pleasant aroma.

This is because lemon is antiseptic and its acidity helps eliminate microorganisms. On the other hand, citrus fruits bring freshness. So you will most likely notice that the air ‘weighs less’. In addition to this pleasant clean sensation, inhaling it is said to have calming effects. To do this, use an aroma diffuser.

Promote digestion

To make better digestions

When lemon enters the body, it becomes alkalizing salts. Thus, the food that is eaten is digested with much more precision and speed. In addition to this, it stimulates the movement of gastric juices, an issue that optimizes the metabolization process.

For its part, with homemade oil, you are giving your body healthy fats. For example, the consumption of olive oil, as indicated in an article in the Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry , can reduce lipid oxidation, inflammation, among others.

To obtain all its benefits, it is enough to use lemon essential oil, daily, as a salad dressing or in infusions. You can have a green tea and add a couple of drops of this preparation.

Relieves nausea and vomiting

To cure herpes

Lemon essential oil can help relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. This is suggested by a clinical trial published in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal . In the research, 100 pregnant women were asked to inhale the product when they felt discomfort, which was effective in mitigating them.

Helps to improve cold symptoms

This essential oil is said to be a good option for relieving cold symptoms. To obtain these benefits it can be rubbed on the body, inhaled in mist, diffused in the air or poured onto a cloth to use as a compress.

Thus, it is a simple natural remedy to prepare and easy to use. Attractive, right? Go ahead and check the results for yourself! Do not forget that if you have any health conditions, it is best to consult with your doctor before resorting to these alternatives.

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