How To Make Peppermint Oil To Take Care Of Your Health

Peppermint oil is a popular product because it is very pleasant and also lasts. For this reason, there are those who use it as a home air freshener in their bathrooms or common areas.

Now, do you know the health benefits of peppermint oil and why should you ever consider taking advantage of it? Did you know that this product has been applied in various ways for many years, not only as an air freshener, but as a supplement for beauty and health?

Next, we will tell you we will clear all these doubts and also, we will tell you how to make your own peppermint oil at home.

What is peppermint oil for?

According to a review published in 2009, “peppermint oil is obtained from the leaves of the perennial herb Mentha piperita L. and M. arvensis var. piperascens , a member of the Labiatae family ”.

As explained in the following article published by the Journal Science International, the peppermint leaf contains vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the oil is considered to have beneficial health properties.

Of course, this oil has a fresh and pleasant aroma, which also helps to relieve emotional tension and relax the body.

1. Applications of peppermint oil in cosmetics

Before using this oil on the skin, it is advisable to do an allergy test on a small area of ​​the skin of the forearm and see what happens. In case there are no adverse reactions, you can use it with caution.

If you have sensitive skin or suffer from a skin disorder (acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.) it is best to consult your doctor before using it.

According to a study published by the Journal of Toxicological Research , this oil promotes hair growth. For this reason, there are those who massage a few drops on damp hair, before washing it as usual.

According to popular wisdom, peppermint oil may relieve itching, itching, and some foot discomfort. In this regard, some studies have been carried out, but the evidence found is still limited, therefore, we must proceed with caution.

In short, the most widespread use of this oil is as an ingredient in mouthwashes and other oral hygiene products, as it has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

2. Health applications of peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has been used (topically) as a supplement to treat migraines, headaches, nausea, and even muscle aches. It has also been widely used to relieve stress and emotional tension in general in the field of aromatherapy.

Additionally, the following has been evidenced:

  • The following article published by the Technical University of the North verified that it acts as a good repellent, so it is also suitable to prevent insect bites.
  • A study published in 2015 found that some people use peppermint in different ways (for its menthol content) because they believe it helps lower fever.
  • On the other hand, there are those who consider that peppermint oil relieves some cold symptoms. To do this, steam or massage the chest with a few drops.
  • It is also said to help alleviate abdominal pain and premenstrual pain. To do this, you can massage your belly or apply a damp cloth with peppermint oil.

How to make peppermint oil at home?


  • 350 g of fresh mint ( Peppermint) .
  • 200 ml of base oil. You can choose between almond oil or olive oil.
  • 1 dark glass bottle of 250 ml.


    The procedure for making peppermint oil is divided into steps. Make sure to follow them to get good results.

    First step

    First, you will need to get the peppermint. You can find this one in the market, but you can also plant it at home.

    Once achieved, it is necessary that you wash it well with fresh water, leaf by leaf, to remove any impurities. Remember that it is going to have a direct application on the skin and it must be well cleaned.

    Second step

    Afterwards, you are going to crush the mint leaves. To do this, use a wooden mallet or spoon. Do it with force, since in this way they will be well reduced and the plant will release its juice. You’ll see how good it smells!

    Third step

    Next, take a saucepan and pour the 200 ml of oil into it (remember that the heat must be low). Also add the crushed mint, stir and allow it to distill over low heat.

    Once this is done, cover the saucepan so that the natural essence of the mint does not escape and let it distill for half an hour (at a low intensity).

    Fourth step

    After half an hour, turn off the heat and let it rest. Then, use a good strainer and pour the peppermint oil into the dark glass jar.

    Fifth step

    To finish, you have to leave it in a cool place and try not to get the sun.

    Step six

    The last part is a matter of patience. You will have to wait about 10 days for the peppermint oil to finish developing its properties.

    Also, you must remember to turn the jar every twelve hours; since in this way all the elements will be more integrated.

    Peppermint alcohol

    According to an article published in the Archives of Family Medicine, some people make water or peppermint alcohol  to alleviate wounds and muscle or rheumatic problems.

    In this case, what you will do is mix the peppermint leaves with a bottle of 95º alcohol. Then put it in an airtight container and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 15-20 days.

    After that time, strain the content and stay only with the alcohol.

    Precautions when using peppermint oil

    Discover the benefits of facial sprays

    Peppermint oil does not act in a miraculous way and in any case, it works as a punctual support for the issues we have pointed out.

    Its use is not recommended in children under 12 years of age, as well as in case of having any skin disorder. If you have doubts about it, consult your doctor.

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