How To Protect Ourselves Against Negative Energies

Negative energies are something that many people try to avoid, especially at home. This is the resting place, where you expect to find a quiet environment free from bad vibes. There are several ways to deal with bad energies to prevent them from throwing our emotions out of balance.

Not only must we clear the home, we must also try to keep negativity away from the workplace or study. Its appearance can affect your day and prevent things from going the way you expect.

What are negative energies?

They are energies that interfere in emotional, spiritual, physical or mental aspects and prevent us from finding tranquility. In this way, they cause sensations such as anxiety, anguish, depression and even lack of concentration to be generated.

How to protect ourselves against negative energies?

Facing negative energies is the best way to prevent them from taking over our lives and especially our emotions. There are several ways to avoid and protect yourself from all the bad vibes that appear on a day-to-day basis; applying them, we can assume life with a better attitude and remove moments of stress.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Drive away fears : Sometimes negative energies are created by fears, insecurities or negative thoughts that we can only control by assuming them. It is very important to identify the origin of these feelings and try to face them to feel freedom and security.
  • Positive mind : Although you may not practice it very often, a positive mindset is the best way to ward off bad vibes and have good emotional health. Learning to control the bad moments and trying to see the glass half full can be the main key to overcome them and ward off negative energies.
  • Carry a clove of garlic : This ingredient is considered an amulet that safely repels bad energy and envy. It is recommended to carry a clove of garlic in a cloth or cloth, either in your purse or wallet.
  • Have thyme essential oil nearby : An esoteric practice is to apply a drop of this oil behind the ears or on the wrists to ward off bad vibrations.
  • Carry a rue branch : It is said that the rue branch has the ability to ward off all kinds of negative energy, either from a bad moment or caused by a person. Ideally, always have some branches of this plant on hand; it is also possible to put some sheets in the workplace.

How to eliminate bad energies when they are in our house?


When there are arguments between the couple, with the children or between siblings, it is very likely that the house is full of negative energies; an unhealthy environment is then created for the family. Given this, it is best to make a change and try to eliminate everything that can generate a bad vibe.

  • Get rid of the unnecessary:  Having too many things can affect the energy of the home. Ideally, keep the environment fresh and organized.
  • Open windows and doors:  Letting the air in and out of the house is a good alternative to clean it; it is also good to let in a little sunlight.
  • Incense:  Since ancient times, people have used incense as an ingredient to renew the air in the home and remove bad energy.
  • Salt water: The mixture of these two ingredients is ideal to clean the spaces of the home and change the negative environment.


  • Aromatherapy:  The use of essential oils or incense in different areas of the home can help relax the whole family. It is one of the best ways to create a more pleasant environment.
  • Having plants inside the house : In addition to helping to have a cleaner and calmer air, plants help us to ward off negativity and attract good energies.

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Additional tips

In addition to the alternatives that we mentioned before, you should also consider these two suggestions to improve the atmosphere of your home:

  • Clean frequently: The accumulation of dust, dirt or garbage can create a heavy environment, which can be reflected in the emotions of the family. It is very important to frequently clean all areas of the home and try to renew the spaces to give a different air to the house.
  • Dialogue:  Lastly, it is essential to learn to get together as a family and calmly discuss things with which you do not agree; suggestions should be made for a better coexistence. Sharing as a family, expressing feelings and maintaining strong ties is one of the best ways to drive negativity away from home.

    Ultimately, removing negative energies from the spaces we frequent is a decision that depends on us. Facing each day with predisposition and enthusiasm, in addition to applying these tips, can mean a great change to achieve well-being.

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