How To Reduce Or Eliminate Blemishes On The Face

Nature has given us a great variety of products, which we can take advantage of in different ways. In this case we are going to talk about those elements that serve to lighten the spots on the face through homemade recipes. 

The treatment of hyperpigmentation in a medical center consists of, first, an evaluation of the case. Thus, other causes secondary to a systemic disease can be ruled out. If no specific cause is found, the use of sunscreen, depigmenting medications, peels … will be recommended.

The ingredients mentioned below were used for many years, although with the passage of time they were replaced by more elaborate and branded products. However, these products have continued to be based on the same natural ingredients.

Learn a little about those natural recipes that can effectively brighten your face. Keep in mind that like the ones you buy in the market, the change will be noticeable between one month of use to four months, so you must be very judicious with the treatment if you want good results.

Remedies for stains based on natural ingredients



The yogurt helps to fade the spots on the skin,  for this apply a little on the spot or make a mask on the face. Apply every night and leave for half an hour.

In addition, you can also mix three tablespoons of yogurt with two drops of honey, wash your face well and apply as a mask. Leave it for half an hour and remove with plenty of cold water.

Olive oil

Soak a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it to the stained area.


Crush half a tomato and apply it to the face with a cotton ball. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash with cold water. Tomato has vitamin A that helps rejuvenate the skin.


First mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of water. With small pieces of cotton soak in the liquid and rub it on the stains.


Extract the gel from the aloe vera and apply it for 20 minutes every day. Aloe Vera is indicated to lighten spots and reduce scar marks.

Milk powder


This mixture is special for whitening the skin, pour two tablespoons of powdered milk into a container, add 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide vol. 20 and two drops of glycerin. Stir and apply once a day.


Make an infusion with water and chamomile, soak a small cotton ball in the infusion and rub it on the face. Do it when the infusion is cold.


The raw potato is recommended to remove skin blemishes. Cut a potato into slices and place it on the area of ​​the stains.


Honey is recommended to moisturize the skin, helps remove blemishes, and gives the skin a beautiful, natural color. Apply honey all over the face as a mask, leave it on for 20 minutes and wash with cold water.



Thanks to its high content of vitamin C ,  orange benefits the skin and eliminates blemishes. Leave a large orange peel in the sun, when it is completely dry you spray it. Then, mix two tablespoons of this powder with two tablespoons of milk and 5 drops of glycerin in a container. Form a cream and apply as a mask every day at night, after cleaning your face very well.


Oatmeal is a perfect ingredient to exfoliate the skin and take care of the body.   With half a cup of ground oats, add this to half a glass of lemon juice and mix to form a paste. Make a mask with it and leave it for about 20 minutes, wash with warm water.


First clean your face well, pour ¾ of organic rice into a container, cover it with water that is about 2 cm above the rice. Then apply by dipping a cotton ball in the water and rubbing it over the skin and neck.

Vitamin C

Apply a vitamin C serum on your face, this vitamin helps to lighten and disappear the spots on the face.


Now, it is also important that you know how to take care of your face to avoid these annoying spots

  • Avoid exposing yourself to the sun for a long time
  • Take care of your skin daily with sunscreen or sunscreen
  • You can avoid the impact of the sun on your face with a cap, umbrella or hat

Finally, do not forget that you must be very persistent and constant with these recipes if you want to obtain perfect results. We hope you liked them and that you try to do some of them to remove the spots from your face.

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